Chapter 8

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A.N. I'm writing this on my phone so it will be short and it might have some errors! Sorry about that haha

Alyssa's POV

I don't know why, but I just can't stop thinking about what happened Saturday.

Those text messages were so mean and definitely not expected. I don't even know what to expect at school today.

I hope whoever sent me those texts will leave me alone. I already have enough going on with this whole project my 3rd period teacher has assigned me.

He says it will be a group project and I'm not looking forward to it because I have no friends and I don't feel like working with anyone in this class anyways.

"You will get in groups of 3 and make a 1 minute conversation on what life means to you," the teacher announces to the class.

I hear the whole class stir and he says he'll make it 2 minutes if we keep it up.

"Alright everyone, what are you waiting for? Find your partners!"

I look around in hope of finding another nerd like me so I don't have to deal with attitudes or people who don't cooperate.

I usually like to work by myself and that has gotten me a 4.0 GPA. I don't need some helpless student who doesn't care about their grades messing that up either.

As I'm looking around the class, I spot a girl who looks just as lonely as me. She has freckles on her cheeks and bright red hair that you can't miss.

I decide to walk over to her before I become a person that "fits into" a group a.k.a. the class leftover.

I already see groups of 3 forming quickly so I don't hesitate to ask if she has a group yet.

"Actually, I don't!" she beams.

"Great!" I smile back.

When I'm satisfied with my choice I stand next to her and wait for the teacher to write our names down when I realize that we need 3 people in a group..not 2.

I sigh and scan over the groups I already see until I hit a face that I can't deny, looks better than free bacon to me.

Tyler of course.

He looks desperate and looks around just like me until our eyes meet.

He stops and smirks, then starts to slowly approach me and my new partner.

No no no oh my gosh what am I going to do?! I can't work with him! That would be way too much pressure and if I have to have a conversation with him in front of the class for 1 whole minute, I might just wet my pants!

I look one more time around the class, this time frantically and spot a nerdy kid with huge glasses on standing in the corner.

I run over to him and basically throw him into our group.

Right as Tyler walks up I quickly say "He's already in our group," and point to the nerd.

My heart rate starts to speed up as I see him laugh and I start to get confused.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

He replies nonchalantly, "Looks like he already has a group."

I follow his hand to a couple of nerdy looking boys at the opposite side of the room and let go of the guys arm.

He adjusts his glasses and joins the other boys.

"Guess you're stuck with me huh?" Tyler grins."

I take a deep breath and respond, "Looks like it."

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