Chapter 4

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Oh my gosh. He didn't just say what I think he just said. He's really here to "get to know more about me" ??! This is a dream come true!!! Wait.. calm down Alyssa. He's probably just kidding.

"Are you playing around or are you seriously trying to get to know me?"

"I'm serious." he says slowly.

"Well exactly what do you want to know?" I ask timidly.

He laughs and I start to think that I was a fool for believing him in the first place. He keeps laughing and I attempt to get up when he pulls my arm down.

He immediately stops laughing and asks, "Hey, where do you think you're going?"


"I want to know everything okay?" he says and I nearly melt down to the floor. I think I'll just start with the simple things for now. I don't want to scare him off with my whole boring life story.

"Okay well you already know that my name is Alyssa and I'm a freshman. I'm 15 and I'm absolutely in LOVE with One Direction." Maybe I should've left the One Direction part out. I already know he's going to comment on it.

"One Direction?"

Wait for it...

"Well I guess they're okay. I'm not a fan, but their song Story of My Life is kind of catchy."

I know I must look really dumb right now with my jaw dropping to the floor.

"Seriously? Wow, I've never heard a guy say anything nice about them before."

His face lights up and I blush. I quickly change the subject to distract myself from staring at his smile so much.

"Well I like old school songs actually. Like Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra."

I listen with my hand on my chin and look at the way his lips form his words. So angelic he is.

He looks at me with an embarrassed expression. "Look, I know it's weird and all, but not everyone needs to like the same artists and I.."

"Whoa.. I didn't say anything. I think it's really cool that you like old school music. I actually have a record player at my house and when I was little my dad used to play them all day long. I've kind of gotten use to it haha. L.O.V.E. is my favorite song by Nat King Cole."

"Oh." he simply states. "Speaking of parents, I don't have my dad around. He left my mom when she had me because he was so irresponisble. I still haven't seen him 'til this day."

"Wow. That must be hard."

"That's what she said." he laughs.

"Oh my gosh! Why are guys so gross?" I laugh along with him.

"We're not all gross..just me hahahaha."

"Okay whatever you say!" I reply.

"What about you? Do you have both of your parents around?"

"Yeah. I'm so grateful too. I don't know what I could do without them. I'm more of a daddy's girl, but I love my mom just as much.'

Talking about my mom is such a touchy subject. Not that many people know about her disease, and I don't want to tell anyone unless I have full trust in them.

Maybe I'll tell him when we start talking more. I can't even believe I'm talking to him in the first place! Just thinking about it makes me want to jump.

"My mom is so hardworking. She does everything for me and I feel bad because I know I can give her a hard time a lot of the time. I don't do it purposely though. I think it's just become a part of me to shut people out easily. So many people I know say that if they ever saw their mom or dad again, they would cry or run into their arms. To be honest, if I saw my dad again, I'd probably hurt him."

I can see the hatred in his eyes and it almost scares me. I can't imagine what he's been through.. trying to become the man he wants to be without a father figure anywhere to be found.

'"Well, I hope that if you do ever see him again, you don't do that." I don't really know what else to say.

"Yeah." he picks at the grass.

"So where do you usually.." he starts but is cut off by the bell.

I wonder what he was going to say. A load of ideas invade my head, but they all seem so wrong. So where do you usually... want to start hanging out? No. So where do you usually... go out on dates? No. So where do you usually... make stupid ideas like these? Haha the last one sounds right. Gosh I'm such an idiot.

A stream of teens start to flood the grassy area and he stands up. I quckly stand up and wipe the grass off of my dress ensuring that there are no grass stains. We both stare at eachother for a second, but tear our eyes away quickly.

"Well, uhm I guess I'll see you around?" he says as he rubs his hand through his soft dark brown hair.

"Oh, sure." I smile.

He turns and starts to walk away when he looks back again. He rips his eyes away and starts to quickly tread to his next class. I grab my orange bag and head to my next class.

The rest of the day flies by and the next thing I know, I'm in the shower whipping my head to Little Black Dress.

"Little black dress just walked into the room!" I yell.

"Alyssa!" my mom calls.

I poke my head past the shower curtains and turn down the music. I'm sure she just wanted me to lower the volume in here. Heck, I don't blame her- the volume is on full blast anyways.

When she doesn't stay quiet like I expected she would, I know she wants to either talk or make me do something.

"Almost done!" I nearly choke on the water streaming down my face.

I turn the water off and quickly dry up. When I get in the livingroom, I see that she's lying on the floor.

Oh no. Not again.

I rush to help her up and lead her to the couch.

"I'm so sorry mom. I should've come quicker I just thought you wanted me to clean or something."

"It's okay." she replies with a stale tone.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Luckily it wasn't as bad as last time." she sounds tired.

I hate it when she falls. This MS is tearing her apart. I wish I could just have a mom that's well. It's so terrifying not knowing if she will lose her balance and bang her head on something. If anything happened to her, I don't know what I would do.

I shake my thoughts aways and concentrate on anything she needs.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Just some water is fine okay honey?"

"Okay mom. I love you." I giver her a small kiss on the forehead and walk into the kitchen. She takes a small sip when I give it to her and I start to examine how fragile she looks. I wish I could take her pain away. I would give anything.

Later on, I fall asleep thinking about how Tyler's blue eyes glistened in the sunlight and how his white shirt seemed to hug his skin so perfectly, revealing his abs underneath. I think we could become good friends one day. That sounds ridiculously crazy..but it sounds possible. At least I think so.


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