Chapter 10

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Alyssa's POV

"What a day," I gasp when I'm finally done walking home. I open the fridge hoping to find something to eat but see that there's still nothing there.

I walk to my room and am surprised to see that my mom is gone. Usually she's always home.. Eh whatever she's probably out shopping.

I start to take off my clothes when I notice that my window is wide open. I look around frantically to see if anyone is around. Startled, I call my mom and wait as the phone keeps ringing.

No answer.

"What is going on??" I keep asking myself. Not a minute later, my mom calls me back and I sigh in relief.

"Hey darling! Sorry I had to grab some uh.. groceries for the house. Is everything okay? How was school?"

"Yeah uhm everything is fine mom..Did you open my bedroom window though? It was open when I came home."

"No sweetie, maybe that was Stacey. You know how she likes her fresh air in the morning."

"Yeah but do you honestly think she'd leave it open?"

"I wouldn't worry about it Alyssa. I'm sure if anyone was trying to break in you'd be able to tell."

"Alright. Well I'll see you when you get home. Love you."

My mom says she loves me and hangs up. I quickly shut the window after setting my backpack on the floor.

I jump on the bed and as usual start to procrastinate doing my homework. I usually like to start on my projects early, but I am SOO not in the mood today. I decide to just take a slow start and get on Twitter first.

Next thing I know, it's already 7:00 p.m. and I haven't done anything but scrolled down my feed.

I hear the front door shake and my mom comes walking through.

"Hey mom, how was shopping?"

She replies "Oh I forgot to call and tell you-they didn't have the ingredients I was looking for so I just decided to buy some pizza instead!"

I jump up, pleased because pizza is my alltime favorite food.

"Where's Stacey?" she asks.

"Probably at her boyfriends house."

"I don't see why she still dates him! He's a menace! His gpa is the equivalent of the likes of a rock!"

"Yeah I guess," I say as I grab a slice of pepperoni.

We continue to talk about my day at school and I decide to finally start on my project.

Darn. I have this list of questions to ask my partners, but I don't have either of their numbers. I'll ask tomorrow.

I do my other homework fairly quickly and watch t.v. before I head to bed.

In the middle of the night, my eyes burst open when I hear someone at the front door. Flashing pictures of the open window today scatter through my thoughts.

I get up and peek beside the wall only to see Stacey making out with her boyfriend in the front porch.

"Stacey!" I whisper. I can tell she's drunk and I don't need my mom hearing her like this..especially with her dumb-as-a-rock boyfriend Brian.

Stacey laughs and gives Brian one more kiss before she loudly shuts the door.

"Mom would kill you if she knew you came home this late with Brian. And drunk!"

"Yeah well I guess I'm lucky she's asleep huh?" she laughs.

She puts her heels to the side of the bed and plops down onto the bed. She begins telling me about her night.

"Oh and there were soo many hot guys. Don't even get me started on the drinks!" she hiccups.

"Wow sounds ike fun," I say tiredly.

"It was. I ought to bring you with me sometime," she playfully nudges my shoulder.

"I'm only 14. You really think I would blend in with a bunch of 18 year olds?!"

"Hey, I'm only 17 Alyssa-I'm sure a bit of makeup would make you look much more mature."

I change the subject as she starts to put her pajamas on.

"Hey did you leave the window open today?" I ask.

"No, why?"

A.N. YAYYYY I finally updated haha after like a year HAHAAHA. Well I feel better about this book because I just thought of some new scenarios I think you guys will love :) Also, I have a Twitter and IG if you want to follow me! I would be eternally grateful if you did heh heh. IG: @1d_madeintheam Twitter: @Zayn_Addict_

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