Chapter 6

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Tyler's POV

How long is this damn doctor going to be? Does it seriously take 30 minutes to get me and my mom through?

After staring around for what seems like forever, the doctor walks out through the pale, beige door.

"I'm so sorry Barbara," the woman in the white coat says to my mom and I already know what she's going to say next. I can feel the burning of my eyes behind my head and I just keep denying it.

"We weren't able to save her in time."

My mom shrieks and covers her face with her small hands. As I reach to comfort and hold her, I hear a faint voice say "Hey Tyler."

Oh no. It can't be. Alyssa?!

"Uhm he-ey.." I say trying to hold back my tears in front of her. She gives a worried expression and I nod to tell her that everything's fine even though I know it's not.

My grandmother was everything to me. I would go to her house every weekend as a child and absolutely adore her homeade peanut butter squares. She would greet me with a huge smile and hold her arms out long as I would run through the short wooden door frame. She was old, but beautiful. She had long grey-golden hair that stopped just before her shoulders. I feel like I can't even register what's happening. She can't be gone. She can't. I just want to erase eveything and start all over again. If I could, I would hold her forever and sing the same lullabies that she would sing to me along my bedside.

I can't concentrate on my feelings because I know that my mom must be taking it much harder than me. I pull her to my chest and I can feel her heartbeat and she cries tears into my shirt.I can feel hot tears steam down my face and quickly wipe them away.

I don't want to acknowlegde the pain, because I know it will consume me if I do. I continue to pat my mom's back and assure her that everything's okay even though I'm having a difficult time believing that my own self. Grandma's up above and she will live a long life in heaven.

Alyssa's POV

I don't even know what to say. I know it must be something pretty big for him to be crying along with his distraught mother. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk up to the doctor as she leaves the two alone.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes?" the doctor asks.

I feel a bit too nosy, but still proceed to ask,"What happened?"

"With what m'am?" she asks confused.

"With them," I say pointing to Tyler and his still sobbing mother.

"That's private information. Are you family?" she asks expecting me to say no.

"Well, not exactly, but I'm a good friend of the family," I lie.

"Well if you're a good friend of the family, then I guess they will tell you soon enough themselves," she says and walks away.

I'm left still without and answer and decide to just leave it alone for now.

When I get back to the waiting area, my mother looks just as confused as me.

"I wonder what happened with that poor woman,"my mom whispers.

"Yeah, me too."

After glancing from the floor to Tyler for about 5 minutes, another doctor finally calls my mom.

"Dorothy?" he calls out.

People look around the room and stop their eyes on my mother as she struggles to get out of her chair. I grasp onto her arms and help her up. The doctors walks over and helps me out.

We walk down the halls and I see a few sick people with their curtains slightly open. We stop at a room when I see a group of doctors crowded outside of a room a few feet away. I try to listen in on their conversation being the naturally nosy person that I am.

"Her heart rate was up to 154 and when we used the defribrillator paddles, her heart rate immediately shot down. I've never seen anything like it before."

"Hmm.." I murmur to myself as the doctor shuts the door behind me.

"So Dorothy, how have your leg cramps been going? Severe?"

"No, they're pretty mild, but I'm having a lot of problems balancing. I've been falling a lot lately," my mother replies.

"Okay, and when was the last time you fell?"

"Yesterday actually,"she says.

The doctor types some information onto his computer and asks a few more questions. She answers them all with thought. He hands her a tube of pills and tells her that it will help relaxing. They talk about what foods are good to eat for her leg muscles, and thirty minutes later we finally leave.

As we approach the waiting room, I quickly scan the room looking for Tyler. I really want to know what happened with his mom. I want to ask him at school, but we're not necessarily friends..yet.

I don't want to just walk up to him and say "Oh hey why was your mom crying on Saturday?" He'll probably never talk to me again if I ask him so bluntly. I guess I would consider him a friend, but I don't know if he would feel the same way. If he wants to tell me, he will.

Me and my mom keep walking through the waiting room and the frigid air instantly hits my face when I open the door. Winter time is the absolute worst. I'm happy to see the sun out though, that's a change.

We walk together to the car and when I look up from the ground, a pair of blue eyes meet mine through the windsheild of a black Mercedes.

I smile at Tyler and put my head back down as I continue to walk my mom down the parking lot. I realize that I didn't tell him about my mom's condition, so he'll probably be wondering about why she's walking so slow just like I'm wondering why his mom was crying in the waiting room. My mom gets in the driver seat and I shut the door for her.

When I look back behind me, the black Mercedes is gone and I search for it on the nearby road. I give up and get in the car.

The car drive back is quiet and I watch the grey sky as snow starts to trickle down onto the windows. When we get inside I runt o turn the heater on and grab a breakfast bar from the counter before heading back to my room.

I hop on my bed and feel something hard underneath me.

My phone. I almost forgot that I left it here. I pull it out from underneath me and see the "Hey" message from earlier this morning. It's only 1:00, it feels like it's been much longer.

After trying to link up the number with different people, I give up and just send "Who's this?"

I wait and wait, but don't get a reply. Why would they text me in the first place if they won't even text back?

It's been over an hour and Mean Girls is almost over. I swear I've watched this movie at least 10 times. I hear a buzz on my nightstand and quickly look over to see a message icon with a "1" beside it. I grab my phone and open my messages.

"Who do you think it is?" the message reads.

I'm too tired to be playing games.

I reply with "Look, whoever this is, if you have a good reason for texting me, please tell me. If not, then bye."

I smile at my confidence and set my phone back on my nightstand. Minutes later, I get a text back that makes me feel nauseous. I can't imagine who this could be. I need to find out

A.N. OMG I'm so angry because I did this whole chapter and the computer blacked out. When I turned it back on, all my work was gone! :( Anyways, I'm going to start doing Tyler's POV sometimes

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