Chapter 2

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I go to the bathroom counter and look at myself. "I really need to lose some weight." I think to myself. I grab my toothbrush and all the makeup products that I know I'm going to be using. After I brush my teeth and throw on my makeup, I quickly grab a grey sweater and some combat boots to slip on. I don't really ever feel like doing anything to my hair, but it's friday so why not? I decide to wear it down for once..but then again, it's not like anyone would notice.

I wake my sister up and she groans, "Ughhh. I'M SICK OF HAVING TO TAKE YOU TO SCHOOL!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you are." She does this practically every morning. I don't understand why she doesn't just get used to it already.

I fix my hair a little while my sister puts on some slipper's and a jacket.

"Ready?" I ask. I feel like I'm going to be late every morning with her.

"Yeah, whatever." she replies.

We walk out the door and the cool breeze hits my face abruptly. Jeez. I should've brought a hat or something. Right as we're approaching the school, I see Justin. God he's such a douchebag. I have a flashback of last summer when he tried to two-time Emma and Tracy. Tracy's a complete tramp, but I felt really bad for Emma. She had a huge crush on him and he completely broke her heart. I never really understood because she only knew him for like 2 months anyways. How can girls fall for guys so easily? I would never fall that fast.

I make it past my class door and the bell rings right after. I'm thankful to barely be on time, but annoyed that math is my first period. Well at least Nico's in this class. I chuckle just thinking about his crazy jokes and pranks that he always pulls.

"Is there something funny Miss Cartney?" I quickly snap out of thought and am caught off guard.

"Uh..huh? Oh I'm sorry..No there's nothing funny at all Mr.Salis."

"Pay attention." Everyone stares at me with shame, and I hear some "Ooh's" in the back of the class.

Nico talks about his one week vacation to the Bahamas and I get a little bit jealous. I wish I could do something like that. I ask him what he did, and he replies with about 50 sentences on and on about he went into the ocean and got a massage and went to this cool little shop where they sold handmade shirts. I don't ask any more questions, but am still very curious about how it would be to go.

Class goes by very slowly and I get hungry. I just want to take a small bite of my sandwich, but I know that I'll get in trouble if I eat in class. Well, maybe if I just take a small bite while he's turned around..Oh no. He saw me. Did he? I don't know. I stare at him for about 4 minutes to see if he looks at me, but he doesn't. Relieved, I look at the clock and there are only 5 minutes left of class.

"Okay class, tomorrow we will be talking about In-Out tables and graphs." Mr. Salis announces to the class.

As I'm packing up, I see him walk towards my desk. I look up and he gives me a mean glare. So he did see me. He puts a note on my desk that says "See me after class." and I know that I'm in for it. After the bell rings and the room is just left with us two, I walk over and he tells me to take a seat.

"Alyssa. What has been going on with you today? First you don't pay attention, then you eat when you know you aren't supposed to?" For a minute, I think of telling him a lie and saying that I didn't know we couldn't eat in class, but then I remember that he announced it to us a few weeks ago. If I tell him I didn't know, he'll think I wasn't listening that day or worse, that I'm lying to his face. I'm left with one last, weak option.

"I'm sorry Mr. Salis, I have just been having such a difficult week. My mom isn't feeling so well." His face softens at the sound of that. He knows about my mom's issues and realizes how much she needs me to take care of her needs.

"Okay, but I will only let the food pass just this once. If I see you with food again, I'm going to have to give you a detention."

"That won't be neccessary. Thank you Mr.Salis."

I walk to my next period and I start to lighten up a bit. Tyler will be in my next class.

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