Chapter 25

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But I never said it back

Jun's POV:

I saw Minghao sitting between Jihoon and Mingyu, who were sitting with their boyfriends. I sighed as I walked up to Minghao, standing in front of him. "Baby." I called for him and instead of Minghao looking at me, Wonwoo was the one who looked at me.

"He angry?" Wonwoo asked and I shrugged. "Most probably." Wonwoo just nodded and continued dealing with Mingyu's bullshit.

"Excuse me." I heard my baby's cold voice say as he was never looking up to meet my eyes. "What?" I asked as I was trying to change his answer.

"I. Said. Ex. Cuse. Me." He gave emphasis (+coldness) to each word he was saying. I gulped hardly as I let out my hand, hoping he'll accept it. 

"Would you just go away?!?" He shouted with his shaking voice as he just stood up, never accepting the hand I let out, pushing me so he can go outside of the room. I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding and just slumped down on the coch where he was earlier. 

"What the fuck are you doing bro? Go after him! He needs you, asswipe." Soonyoung's harsh words made me sigh. "He needs space."

"But he needs you more than his personal space. And anyways, he'll realize that you care about him even just a little bit when you go after him. Just keep coming back even if he pushes you away." Mingyu's deep voice echoed through my system that made me realize the bullshits I've done to Minghao.

Every single bad memories came right through my mind. Like the moment he confessed.

Of course, I was happy. My crush suddenly said things like "I like you, Wen Junhui. Do you like me back?" and you know that feeling of happiness just rushing through your body, trying to make sure if this isn't just your imagination, and making sure that he was there. That he was confessing.

The silent "Yes. I do too." Escaped my lips as his tears fell...
And I did nothing... All I did was stare at his teary eyes as he was trying to hug me. I didn't even hug back.

"I love you!" He finally said those 3 words I've been itching to hear him say. That I've been itching to hear.
But I never said it back.

"HE NEEDS ME. I NEED TO GO." I shouted across the room and ran fastly through the door.

For the first time, I will tell you how much I love you, Xu Minghao.


"MINGHAO!" I shouted through Jihoon's apartment. "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING?" I shouted once again. Good thing Jihoon and Soonyoung doesn't have any neighbors.

I heard sniffles through the front door. I lookee at the front door but never saw Minghao. My hearing skills must be low.

I checked their kitchen and there he was. Sniffling and crying his tears out. He looked up and I saw how I fucked up.

"Minghao..." I suddenly didn't know what to say. I feel like a girl, meeting his senpai and is going to confess to him.

"What do you want?" His shaky voice was damn obvious even if he tried to hide it. "Minghao, I-"

"Don't say sorry if you don't mean it." He said, looking down as I saw more tears falling from his eyes.

"Minghao..." I said again, trying to form the words that was scattered through my brain. Trying to take the right words and trying to put them together in a sentence.

"Stop chanting my name. It isn't even that pretty." He said once again that made me stop from my word problem.



"Minghao, I..."

"What "I"?"

"I love you."



Silence filled the room as I was trying to fix what I was saying. I couldn't figure out what the heck I was saying. 

"Junhui. Are you going to repeat what you're going to say?" I heard a little bit less coldness in his voice and it inspired me to repeat what I said, but with more emotions.

"Xu Minghao, I want to say sorry." I started and took a big gulp and inhaled for a bit. "I'm sorry for never meeting the standards of the perfect boyfriend you imagined me to be. I'm sorry for never actaully doing the simple promises I promised to do to you. I'm sorry for never being affectionate. I'm sorry that you were tha one that always do the job in order to make a stable relationship between the both of us. I'm sorry for being a burden in this relationship." I stopped for a little bit.

"I also want to say that I.. I-I... I love you. So much." I said and he was shocked. "Y-you love me?" He asked and I nearly cried that even he doubted my affection to him. "I do... I just feel nervous whenever you say that you love me, resulting to me never saying it back." I explained and his tears fell again and I rushed to wipe it.

"Shhh. Baby, don't cry. I don't want to see you cry." I said and he just laughed as more tears came out from his eyes. "I love you so much." He said and kissed me on the lips. I kissd back.

After like minutes, we pulled away and he was still holding my cheek. "You never met the standards of the perfect boyfriend for me." He said and it broke my heart. "You exceeded it." He continued and I kissed his lips again as I was suffering through my euphoria.


Seungcheol's POV:

"Aww. That's so sweet." Jeonghan said and I nodded. "There's Soonhoon, then it's Junhao. Should we kiss next?" I teased and he just rolled his eyes. "No? Eew." 

"EEW?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EEW?!?" I shouted, making Jun and Minghao look at me. "And you ruined their sweet moment together, asshole." Jihoon said and just snuggled through Sonnyoung's arms and hugging it tightly like a koala.

"My baby is sooooo cuuutteee!" Soonyoung squealed like a kid, letting Jihoon hug his hands tightly. "Should we continue the movie?" Meanie said and sync and they just laughed and Wonwoo had stars in his eyes as he was looking at Mingyu who was laughing.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are, Mingyu?" Wonwoo said and it made Mingyu stop laughing and blush like a little girl. "S-shut u-up." He said and looked away. "LOOK AT THE TREE GROWING AN APPLE ON HIS CHEEKS! HAHAHAHAHA!" Chan suddenly teased Mingyu and Mingyu just rolled his eyes.

"At least I'm tall!" He said and eyed Jihoon. "Don't put me into this Mingyu. My guitar is just at my bedroom." He threatened Mingyu and we just laughed all together, except for Jihoon, ofcourse.


 CHAP 25 is doneeeeeEeeeeEEeeEEeeEeeeeEeeEEee~

HOPE YOU LIKED THE JUNHAO THERE~~~~~~~ And yeah, as usual/

Sorry for typos and grammos and hope u liked it.

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