Chapter 14

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Chan is a spaghetti noodle

Hoshi's POV:

What is up with Jihoon today? I mean, he's waking up at weird times like earlier. He woke up at 4 am and just went to the living room. Since I don't want him to be spooked out or be creeped out by me, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation but since he was downstairs. his voice was like faded. I can't understand anything.

"It's a surprise." He said and I looked at him confusedly. "Huh?" I asked him and he just sent a wink at me.

"Have you taken a bath yet?" He randomly asked me and I nodded as it's the first thing I do in the morning if it's too early to cook.

"That's convenient. Now, as another surprise, take the bag I had downstairs and put it on the van or just ask Jeonghan-hyung to put it there as you're still going to pack our breakfast." He said and I was just lost in confusion but I trusted him.

"I'll be taking a quick bath." He added and went to the bathroom. As he was taking his lovely shower, as much as I want to go in, I still have something to do. 

I went down, took the orange bag that has an orange printed on it, cute, and gave it to Jeonghan-hyung. "Yo hyung. Jihoon's asking you to put this in the van."

He thought for a second and I just rolled my eyes. "Fine if you don't want to put it there then let me." I said as the bags were heavy. What the hecc is inside of this? Stones?

"NO! Let me!" He said and quickly took the bag away from me. He's also acting strange.

"You guys are acting strange." I told them and went to the kitchen to prepare the food I cooked for Jihoon and me.

"Hyuuungggg!" Chan's voice echoed through the room and went to the food I'm packing.

"May I have those?" He said and acted cutely. "No." I bluntly said as it was specifically only for Jihoon and me.

"WHYY?!?" He asked and threw a childish tantrum so I just chuckled. "It's only for Hoonie and Soonie, Channie." I said adding the -ie in everyone's names.

"Hmmph!" He said and crossed his arms playfully.

I giggled as I finished preparing it and was kind of surprised when Jihoon's voice came out of nowhere.

"What happened to Chan?" He immidiately asked and I looked at him. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a black ripped jeans and a black cap to which was similar to mine. (He's wearing the outfit he wore on the Oh My! dance practice)

"He wanted some of these. I didn't give him ine as it's only for us." I told him and he giggled cutely. "They ate already anyways." He said and I just nodded, finally finishef packing it.

"Let's go?" He asked me and I just pulled him. "Why are you being so soft today, Jihoonie? Shouldn't you be a hardie now?" I teased and he rolled my eyes. "Fine then."

Woozi's POV:

"Fine then."

We went inside Jeonghan-hyung's van and I went inside first since I wanna be in the seat next to the window.

Soonyoung followed soon after and sat in the seat next to me as it was reserved for him. He kept telling the guys to never sit there or else they would be hit by the Bureora Hurricane. We ate what he cooked and they tasted amazing.

"Baby~" He said and hugged me. As the aircon isn't open yet, the van was pretty hot and I was wearing all black.

"Get off of me, ass!" I said and he just kept on hugging me. Aish. This guy. Can't keep his hands on himself.

"Get away from me, Soonyoung!" I said and pushed him again but he still wont let go. I felt the aircon give off air and I sighed.

"Now that the aircon is on, will you lwt me hug you?" He asked and I just looked at him with 'Fine' eyes.

He hugged me tighter and leaned his head on my shoulders. This is too cute I can't help it. I patted his head with my free hand and he just held it up and started rubbing his hair using my hands controlled by his own.

"Please rub it more. My hands are starting to hurt." He said and I just nodded, rubbing his head in a slow but satisfying manner.


After like 30 minutes of the hair rubbing, Soonyoung is finally asleep. He looked so vulnerable and innocent while sleeping but in the real life when he's awake, he just teases like there's no tomorrow.

"So Jihoon." Jisoo's voice just filled the van and I responded with a hum.

"Do you think he'll like it?" He asked which made me feel nervous. "Jisoo! Don't say it like that! You'll make Jihoon-hyung nervous!" Seokmin said and I smiled eventhough they are the back.

"Pretty sure he'll like it." I said and Seungkwan nodded. "Of course he will! It's Jeju afterall!" He said like the diva he is and Vernon just chuckled.

Did the already have their make-up sex or something? I mean they were like angry, well, Seungkwan is angry at Vernon for something and just made up? I don't think so.

"You guys are together again?" Seungcheol asked and had the same bewilderment as I do.

"Yeah." Vernon shortly said and started flirting with Seungkwan again. "You guys could get a room." Chan said and covered his eyes as he was next to the couple.

"Poor Channie~ You'll find your gay partner soon. Don't worry." Mingyu said and Wonwoo just nodded.

"THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'LL SAY THIS. I AM NOT GAY! I AM STRAIGHT!" He exclaimed loudly which made us laugh.

"Like a spaghetti noodle... until it gets wet." Soonyoung said and we were just shocked but what he said but also laughed.

"Eew! Soonyoung-hyung! You're disgusting!" Chan said and we just continued laughing.

"The heck, Soonyoung? Where did you get that?" Jun asked and Soonyoung just shrugged his shoulders.

"Based from experience." He said and get his head off of me and then winked at me. Hotly.

"EEW!" Chan said and we just rolled our eyes. "Don't act like yoyr innocent, Chan. You got a blowjob from a girl last week right? You even described how it felt good."
Jeonghan-hyung suddenly blurted out, exposing Chan.

"H-huh?" Chan was speechless. Even I, Jihoon, had no words from what hyung said.

"I can't." Divaboo said and I just nodded, agreeing with Seungkwan for the first time in months.

"YOU HAD YOUR FIRST BLOWJOB AND DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TELLING US? OH MY GAWD." Seungkwan said again which made Chan shout too.


One word, shocked. And that's all I am going to say for now.




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