Phase 10

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Jasmine was by now fully and completely awake. Her shrieks were even louder than mine.

I could only watch and cry as the burning liquid poured itself out over her entire body.

The nurse quickly emptied the jug, and threw it aside. She turned back to me and tried to speak out louder than Jasmine's cries.

"You should've let me shoot her when you had the chance," She said, putting her hands up in a gesturing position.

I sharply ceased my screams, transitioning them now slowly into deep breaths.

I kept my eyes on the nurse as she moved away from Jasmine and towards the door once more. She halted herself before she walked through it and into the hall, and cast a glance at me from over her shoulder.

"I'll be back," She simply stated.

She afterwards reached out her right arm behind her body in a fast movement, and grabbed the handle. She turned her wrist slightly and pulled the door completely closed behind her.

I immediately returned my attention to Jasmine. I glanced her way and attempted to stand. Only then did I remember that my legs were immobile. And, other than jumping up and rushing to her side, I had nearly no way of helping or protecting her at the moment.

I could only talk to her.

"Jasmine..." I mumbled, my vision set on her abused figure. "Jasmine... You're... You're going to be okay..."

I noticed her body was slumping back in her chair, and her cries were losing energy.

"I promise, Jasmine, I will get you out of here..." My words then lost their way, and I after remained silent for a few moments.

I kept my eyes rested on Jasmine until I heard the nurse return.

She walked in almost hurriedly, holding some type of large metal object in her arms.

I bit my lip and resisted the urge to speak.

The nurse walked towards me, but looked nearly completely in Jasmine's direction. She only shifted her gaze to me once she had approached my side. I kept my breathing under control while she set the metal entity down. From what I could see, it looked very similar to an oxygen tank.

I situated my eyes back up to the nurse's face when she pulled up a gas mask, attached to the tank. She slowly moved it around in her hands, forcing it into a position that allowed her to apply it onto my face.

She cautiously reached out in front of me with the device.

"W-What's in it?" I mumbled. I could feel my breathing picking up again, even though I desperately tried to suppress it.

The nurse ignored my question, and began to lift the strap of the mask above my head. I wanted to reach up with my hands and push it away, but they were still far too unusable.

"S-Stop..." I stuttered softly, knowing my words wouldn't phase her.

She then carefully pushed the rubber front of the mask over my mouth and nose, and let the elastic strap tightly nestle itself around the back of my head.

I hadn't even tried to argue again before my clean air supply was cut off.

I suddenly began to slightly hyperventilate, trying to intake enough breathes before whatever gas was going to enter the mask.

I didn't watch her, but I could hear the nurse reach around to the gas tank and twist a creaky knob. A rush of cold air hit my face behind the mask shortly after.

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