Chapter sixteen

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You finally got to your spot, after a while of sneaking past people.

"I'm here." you spoke into your radio.

"Me too." Robin responded.

"I'm almost there." Silviya said.

"I will be there soon." Evan answered. You silently nodded and waited for the signal. You were just thinking about random things like what was going to happen when this was over, and how the others were coping with what happened to Em. Soon Evan and Silviya got to there spots. You set up your explosives set up and waited for the signal that would tell you and the others to start them.

"Alright, remember our meeting place, and remember that we only have a few minutes to get out of here before the explosives go off." Robin said.

"Now!" Evan called and all of you turned your explosives on. You ran as soon as it started, not trying to be stealthy anymore. Some people came after you but you managed to lose them. Suddenly their leader ran out and blocked you. You stopped and swore.

"Hello to you too." he growled out.

"Get out of my way." you snapped.

"No, you see you and your remaining friends are supposed to work for me now. So back to the cells for you, your friends will join you once we find them." Some guys went to grab you after those words. You took out a pocketknife that you had stolen earlier and stabbed them.

"Do you know how hard it is to find good help?" the boss huffed out. He lunged at you and the two of you began fighting. You were starting to panic the explosives would be going off soon. Suddenly the boss fell over unconscious. When he fell over you saw Evan behind him.

"Y/N we have to go come on." Evan said grabbing you and dragging you away. Soon the both of you were out of the base and running into the forest. After a bit of running you heard a loud boom from behind you.

"There went the base." Evan muttered. Soon the both of you stopped at a certain spot. The two of you looked around but you neither of you saw Robin or Silviya. Evan looked like he was about to cry.

"Ev, I'm sure they'll be here soon." you whispered as you placed a hand on his shoulder. You both waited for a moment then you heard voices.

"Robin I swear it's this way. I'm a woman I have a better sense of direction." you heard a familiar voice huff.

"No Sil its this way." you heard Robin say but his voice sounded faint. Suddenly Silviya stormed through the bushes. When she saw you guys she grinned.

"Robin I'm right." she called. You heard a huff and soon Robin had walked over.

"Sil its no-" Robin stopped mid sentence seeing you and Evan.

"Fine." he huffed. You laughed and hugged the both of them, Evan soon joining you three. The four of you hugged for a bit before you all moved back.

"Great we're here." Robin said.

"So now what?" you asked.

"Now we rest I'm tired." he said. Everyone agreed so you all went to sleep. You woke up a couple of hours later and felt someone laying next to you. You turned over to see who it was. When you saw them you felt tears prick your eyes. Em was laying beside you, her hair was a mess, her clothes were bloodied and ripped, and her bags looked darker. She was sleeping. You quickly sat up.

"Guys!" you called out effectively getting all of them up. When they saw what you were looking at their eyes widened. Silviya shot up and grabbed her medical bag and rushed over to Em. She lifted Em's shirt so she could check the wound on her stomach. Evan and Robin quickly ran over as well. Evan was crying and harassing Silviya with questions about his sisters health and Robin was just staring in shock.

"Evan, if you don't shut up." you all heard Em growl. She opened her eyes and saw all of you. Evan and Silviya were soon hugging her, you and Robin quickly joined in.

"Yeah, yeah I love you guys too." Em mumbled. You all pulled away and started asking her questions.

"How did you get here?" Evan asked.

"I walked here...well actually I limped here but same difference." she said.

"How did you survive?" Silviya questioned.

"Well they brought me to the medic bay but I escaped with some bandages and hid out here." she said.

"So you missed the explosion." Robin said.

"Oh so that's what that noise was, I thought I was dying." she said with a shrug. Evan chuckled at her words.

"Look guys she looks tired lets go back to sleep." you said. Everyone agreed and soon Evan, Silviya, and Robin were asleep.

"Did you just want me for yourself?" Em asked teasingly. You blushed at her words.

"Its okay, I missed you." she said softly.

"I missed you too." you said with tears in your eyes.

"I-I thought you were dead and-" you soon were sobbing. Em pulled you into a hug. You cried in her arms for a while before you calmed down.

"I love you." Em whispered.

"I love you too." you said. You leaned up and kissed her. She kissed back. The two of you parted and went to sleep holding each other.

So there is a good chance that this was the last chapter unless you guys want more, which I doubt. I want to thank everyone who stuck with me from the beginning when this book was terrible, it still kinda is but I think I improved. If you guy want more just tell me and I will try to do more. Thank you for reading. Sincerely, MyGreenDarling101.

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