Chapter fifteen

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I feel like its been a long time since I made a chapter for this story, but I'm pretty sure that I've went longer than this. Fun Fact #5: Silviya hates scary movies, and will only watch them if Em asks her to.

The four of you were sneaking around with Evan leading the way. Eventually, the four of you ended up in a tent that had crates of explosives in them.

"Now what?" Silviya asked.

"Grab as many as you can." Robin answered. You and the others grabbed as many explosives as you could. When you guys finished everyone looked to Robin for what to do next.

"We don't want any of us to get caught in the explosions, so we should steal some walkie talkies so we can set them off at the same time without any of us getting stuck in them." Robin explained.

"I think I saw some walkie talkies (I feel stupid typing walkie talkies and feel dumber reading it.) in the medic bay." Silviya said.

"Alright we're more likely to get caught if we are in a big group so one of us will get them and the others will wait here." Robin said.

"I'll go." you volunteered.

"Are you sure? You haven't been here as long as the rest of us." Evan said.

"I'll be fine."

"Alright its settled then. Y/N will go get them." Robin said.

"Be careful." Silviya said as you left. You were sneaking around to where the medic bay was. You sighed as your brain replayed Em getting stabbed again. You wanted to cry some more but you had to focus on your job. You could cry later. Soon you came up to the medic tent and snuck in. It was pretty easy compared to sneaking in to the explosives tent, since that one was heavily guarded. You looked around and saw the walkie talkies that Silviya was talking about. You went to grab them but stopped. What if for some reason they brought Em here? With that thought you looked at all the wounded that were there, being careful that you didn't get caught. After a while of looking around you went back to the walkie talkies. Em wasn't there and you just wanted to leave so you quickly took them and left. You got back to the other and gave the walkie talkies to them.

"Did you run into trouble? You took a while." Robin asked. You shook you're head.

"I looked to see if Em was there." you mumbled so only Robin could hear. He sighed at your words and glanced away.

"Alright, now that we have these we just need to set up the explosives and get out of here." Robin announced to the others. All of you nodded and separated to place your explosives.

Fighting to surviveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ