Chapter nine

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So good news the voting has come to an end and literally only one person voted. Anyway there will be romance and you will have a close friend which for both is Emerald so you'll be spending more time with her. Sorry if this was short.

As soon as you guys arrived you felt your face pale. The place was filled with people mostly glaring at your group and holding weapons. After a while of walking you guys stopped in front of a big place.

"Stay here we'll get boss." bat guy said.

"You think it's too late to run?" Evan asked.

"Yes." Emerald said having a stare off with one of the people.

"What was the point in doing this?" Silviya questioned stepping closer to you.

"To show them that they can't push us around." Robin answered. Before anyone else could do anything the two guys walked out with a third man following.

"I hear that you all wish to speak with me." he says.

"That's correct." Emerald said death glaring him.

"Good now lets speak somewhere more...private." he said turning and walking off. You and the others followed him. He lead you all to a room and sat down in a chair, the rest of you copied his actions.

"So what did you children want to speak to me about?" he asked smugly.

"Your guys stole from us and we demand it back." Robin said seeming irritated.


"Why not?" you asked.

"Simple, because you were in MY territory which means what was your is now MINE. I imagine you understand."

"But thats not fair! We didn't know this was yours!" Evan shouted.

"Life isn't fair and also now you do know. To guarantee you don't make the same mistake again you kids will either join us or DIE." he suddenly stood up and swung a knife at your group. You all skittered back and ran. You were running past people while you heard their boss yelling at them to catch your group. You were running while some people were chasing you when you realized that you were separated from everyone. You tripped and fell giving the people chasing you enough time to catch up. Before they could attack you you felt someone grab your wrist and start dragging you. You managed to stand up and run with them.

After what felt like hours of running you and your rescuer stopped running. You collapsed and laid on the ground trying to catch your breath.

"Are you okay?" the person asked.

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