Chapter seven

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I'm kinda shocked that this many people are still reading my story. Anyways please leave a comment on who you want to romance if anyone. I had some writer's block with this too so its probably worst than the other chapters. That's all thank you for reading and please enjoy.

The group was tracking the other group to the best of their abilities. You decided to glance around at everyone to see how they were doing. Robin who was in the front seemed focused on trying to track the other people down, he seemed fine. Evan who was walking behind you looked nervously back at his sister who was in the very back. Silviya who was walking next to Evan was looking down as she walked which was different from how she normally walked with her head up. Lastly, Emerald was walking in the back looking at the ground like she normally does. You decided to go to her and see what's wrong since she normally walks with Evan and Silviya.

"Hey." you said as you waited for her to pass by you. Emerald turned to you.

"Hey." she responded.

"Are you okay?" you asked.

"Yeah I'm just anxious is all."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"No I feel guilty that Silviya had to go through that." she said sighing and looking away.

"It wasn't your fault." you told her as you tried to reassure her.

"I know but I just can't help it...Anyways don't worry about me I'm just being mopey is all." she said. You nodded at her words and sped up to walk by Evan and Silviya.

"And how are you two?" you greeted. (I don't know what to call that)

"Just peachy." Evan said while Silviya frowned.

"What's wrong Sil?"

"I just have a really bad feeling about this." she said softly in an unsure tone.

"It'll be fine." Evan said trying to reassure her even though he too seemed to be doubting doing this as well.

"I have a bad feeling too." you admitted.

"Well great." Evan said even more nervous than before.

"We'll just have to be extra careful is all." you said trying to calm them down. The two looked like they felt better after hearing your words and you walked over to Robin.

"How are you feeling?" Robin asked before you could say anything.

"That's my line." you said giving him a smile. Robin chuckled softly.

"Is it now?" he asked. You nodded.

"Speaking of which how are you?" you asked. Robin shrugged.

"Fine I guess a bit tired but I want to find a safer place than this before we stop." he answered.

"Do you think we're close?"

"Lord I hope so the sooner we get there the sooner Em and Sil will stop moping and you, Ev, and I can stop worrying." he said sighing softly. You smiled at his words.

"Well aren't we all just a mess." you said jokingly, to which Robin smiled and nodded. Robin suddenly stopped walking and started staring at the ground. You looked down too and saw two sets of footprints leading in the direction your group was going. The other three stopped walking as well when they saw the footprints.

"Who do you think made those?" Evan asked obviously hoping that it wasn't the people who attacked.


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