Chapter fourteen

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Fun Fact #4: Even though Em and Ev are identical twins Ev was always considered better looking. I never expected to get any hearts on this story, I also never expected to get to fourteen chapters I thought that this story would die before chapter five. So, I guess thank you guys for reading my story.

You groaned as you open your eyes.

"Y/N!" you heard someone gasp out.

"Sil?" you called weakly. You felt her grab you and gently help you up.

"Sil, where's Em?" it was silent and you saw tears in Silviya's blue-green eyes. Her head lowered as she remained silent.

"Silviya." your voice cracked as you said her name and you broke out into sobs. You and Silviya stood there sobbing and hugging.

"Guys?" you heard Evan's voice call out. When you turned towards the direction of his voice, it was then that you realized that you were in a cell, the two boys were in a cell across from the two of you, Evan had pressed himself against the bars, and Robin was still unconscious.

"Guys! Is Em with you two?" the both of you answered him with sniffles and silence. When he realized that you two weren't going to say anything he burst into sobs. You heard a groan and saw Robin waking up.

"Why are you three crying?" Robin mumbled confused.

"Em...she...!" Evan was struggling to speak, but Robin understood what was going on. Robin looked away from the three of you muttering swears and trying not to cry. After a while of mourning, Robin stood up catching everyone's attention.

"We need to get out of here." Robin said.

"Yeah." you whispered. The other two nodded.

"We need a plan." Evan said glancing at Robin.

"I know, I'm working on it." Robin mumbled pacing.

"Alright, were prisoners so someone should be nearby. If we can somehow lure them in then maybe we can get the keys and escape." Robin explained.

"Explosives." Evan mumbled.

"What?" you asked.

"I saw explosives. We could blow this place up."

"That would be a waste of time!" Robin snapped.

"THEY KILLED MY SISTER!" Evan screamed tears streaming down his face. It went silent after that.

"They deserve to die." Evan growled out. You glanced away and saw Silviya shivering out of fear.

"You're right." you heard yourself say. Robin was silent.

"Yeah, what else do we have to lose anyway?" Robin said laughing bitterly.

"Sil?" Evan questioned. Everyone's eyes landed on Silviya.

"Em...She was my best friend...Yes, I'm in."

"Great." Robin said.

"How do we get the guards in here?" you asked.

"Robin and I can stage a fight and maybe they'll come in to break it up." Evan suggested.

"Let's do it." Robin smirked.

"Stop them! Stop them! Please!" you and Silviya started screaming to get the guard's attention. While Ev and Robin started rolling on the ground punching each other. A guard quickly ran in.

"Hey! You two brake it up!" he shouted at Evan and Robin, who ignored him. The guard unlocked their cell and stormed in. Just as he did Evan jumped on his back, while Robin punched the guard. Evan quickly grabbed the keys, and unlocked your's and Silviya's cell. Robin finished off the guard.

"Alright. Let's go get those explosives."

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