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As we were leaving the campus, we coincidentally (and unfortunately) ran into Jungkook, but surprisingly not with Yuna.

And Jimin (unfortunately) saw him. "Jungkook-ah!" Jimin waved him over to us.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing! We're just headed to go eat."

"Is it okay if I join? Yuna had to go and meet with a friend."

Yeah, right. I've always had a suspicion that she's cheating, but I've never said anything. Or maybe I just hope that she is.

"Yeah!" All of them said. I just nodded. Jungkook gave me a weird look, then we all headed to the restaurant.

.... (<----- this indicates a time skip)

"Hyung, w-we shouldn't do this now," Jungkook stuttered, trying not to moan as my lips were attached to his neck. "What if someone-"

"Ssh..." I placed my finger softly over his lips, "Who cares? Can't we just enjoy this?"

He nodded, and I kissed his lips one more time before trailing back down to his neck, pinning him against the wall with my body. I kissed, sucked, and left bites all over his neck and collarbone.

I started to move my lower half against his, and hearing his moans was the most satisfying thing ever.

"Mmm, Taehyung...."

"Taehyung? Taehyungie!?" Jungkook shouted at me.

I finally came out of my daydream and looked at him, he looked very concerned. "Oh! Sorry Kookie, I was just, um...t-thinking." God, I really need to make better excuses.

"Are you okay?"

"F-Fine, why?"

"No, Tae, I'm serious. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything. I know something's going on with you."

"How come?"

"You always act so...weird around me recently. Always dazing off when we talk, leaving when Yuna comes around, backing away when I get close to you....hell, you can't even keep eye contact with me!"

He was right. About every single thing. I didn't know how to respond. "Look, Jungkook, I r-really don't wanna talk about it right now..." I said quietly, scooting my chair over slightly after noticing how close we were.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something else, the rest of them came back with food. He remained silent and faced forward in his seat again.

They came back just in time...I have no idea what he was gonna say next, but whatever it was, I know I'm not ready to hear it right now.


I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to finish the conversation.

He thinks I don't notice how strange he's been acting, but I do. Every single thing. I mean, he's best friend, I've known him for could I not notice?

When we were children, I knew we had a really special connection. I felt things for him that I didn't feel for any other male friend. I didn't understand it at that age.

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