Untitled Part 18

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Oliver looked back at David with determination as he approached, and David met his eyes, not backing down. The man was stupid. Oliver reached down and placed his thumb on David's bullet wound and he pressed, causing the man to cry out in utter anguish.

"So, I am going to let Slade deal with you for what you did to Shado. However, I am here for what you did to Felicity."

David looked at him and sneered, "That little whore has you wrapped around her finger."

Oliver pressed harder and David cried out again, tears forming in his eyes. "Don't you speak like that about her." Oliver roughly pulled David to his feet. "You like hitting women in the face?" Oliver punched David hard and his head flew to the side, blood flying from his lip. "That is for when you split her lip."

Oliver looked him over and then his voice was pure rage, "You like slapping women?" Oliver pulled back and slapped him hard and David fell back on the couch with a groan. "That is for you slapping her."

Oliver pulled him quickly back to his feet and away from the couch. "I heard you also like to kick women when they are down." Oliver knocked him to the ground and before he could move he kicked David hard in the ribs. David cried out and Oliver crouched down, and his voice was deadly calm and crystal clear.

"You hurt Felicity so many times. I really should give you a little more taste of your own medicine, however, I am going to let my friend Slade Wilson take care of you for what you did to Shado. Please trust me on this, you will be praying and begging for death by the time he is through with you."

Oliver stood and gave him one more look before he turned and walked out the back door. Slade was standing rubbing the necklace between his fingers, a far away look on his face.

"He's all yours Wilson."

Felicity turned in shock, "You left him in there alone?"

Oliver looked at her with 100% certainty, "He's not going anywhere."

Slade walked over and slapped Oliver's shoulder, his voice slightly rough with emotions he would not allow himself to feel. "Thanks kid." Slade looked at Felicity one more time and said, "Thank you as well Felicity. I owe you one." His eyes turned to steel as he looked at the back door and then walked inside, shutting it behind him.

Felicity rushed into Oliver's arms and held her tight, his face burrowing into her hair almost instinctively. "Are you ok?" Oliver's voice was muffled but Felicity heard every word.

"I am fine." She pulled back and took his hand in hers looking at his red knuckles. "Are YOU ok?"

Oliver gave a faint smile, "Now I am."

"Do I want to know what you did to him?"

Oliver shook his head. "Nothing that he hadn't done to you."

He pulled her back into his arms, knowing it was finally over.


John drove as quickly as he could safely navigate, trying his best to get to the safe house in time. He knew that if Oliver found David before they did that he would kill him and then they would be back to square one on trying to find the conduit for the weapons and drugs that were pouring into Star City.

He slowed as he neared the gravel driveway that led to the house, and when he turned and did not see his guards he cursed under his breath.

"This does not look good Johnny." Lyla looked around trying to find the guards that were supposed to be in place.

"Keep your eyes open Lyla."

John drove slowly as they both looked around and when they got to the house they quickly exited and drew their guns, not sure what they would find.

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