Untitled Part 4

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David Adams sat at his desk looking over the paperwork for the museums he was looking to acquire. He had been restless the last few days and he was getting frustrated. He had received a text from Queen that Felicity had been found but then he had gone silent.

David felt his blood pressure rise at just the thought of her name. He thought back over the last few days with her and his hand twitched as he remembered hitting her over and over. She had angered him by threatening to go to the police and revealing his under the table dealings and he just could not have that. She could still talk and he wondered why she had not. He looked over at his phone and then back at the paperwork; he was not going to get any work done today. He picked up his phone and walked over to the window and immediately dialed the number that Mr. Queen had given him when he decided to take on the contract. David was sure it was a number to a burner, but he didn't care. He needed to know today if Oliver had found her.

A sick smile curved his lips as the phone rang. He had decided to change his plans at the last minute. He wanted to see her before she died. He wanted her to know he was the one that had orchestrated her demise. That would give him immense pleasure.


"Mr. Queen. Why haven't I heard from you?"

Oliver cursed under his breath when he heard David's voice on the other end of that line. He wanted to crawl right through the phone and break his neck with his own bare hands.

"I said I would call you when I had a lead. The first turned out to be a false sighting."

"Well that has actually worked in my favor because my plans have changed slightly. As soon as she is located I want you to call me. I have some plans for Miss Smoak before you kill her."

Oliver went rigid with rage at the thought of this man getting his hands on Felicity, and as a result his voice was a little colder than he had intended. "Not going to happen Adams. I don't do well with plans getting changed in the middle of a contract."

David grew furious; he didn't like being told no. "Might I remind you Mr. Queen that you work for me. I call the shots and I want you to call me when you find my wife. If you refuse I will send someone else to do the job."

Oliver looked over at his gun as his voice sounded calm but deadly, "Listen to me you sick fuck. I don't think you heard me. I am not calling you. And as for sending someone else, go right ahead, because you clearly have no idea what I am capable of. If you can find someone who wants to go up against me then send them. They will return to you in a body bag."

David was shaking with rage as Oliver hung up the phone and he threw his phone across the room shattering it against the wall. "Fuuuuck!"

David was breathing through his nose rapidly as he tried to get his temper under control. She had gotten away from him, she had left him, and he needed her to know that no one just up and leaves him. The other women that had tried had paid the price and thinking of the pain he had inflicted caused a sneer to curve his lips. Ok, he needed to hire someone else. David walked over to his work phone and dialed his contact.

"Jim, Adams here. Listen, I need you to find another guy to take care of the situation I told you about."

"I thought you had hired Oliver Queen. He is the best." Jim's voice was shaky and weak, his body craving the drugs that it had been denied for the past two hours. He needed a hit.

"Mr. Queen is not working out quite as I had hoped. Plus, it never hurts to have two people on the job. Do it!"

"Ok...ummmmm, can you send me a little pick me up to tide me over?"

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