Untitled Part 16

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Oliver made his way confidently down the street, his eyes darting around keeping track of everything around him. He was on a mission to find David. He had plans for David. He hoped too that maybe, just maybe he would run into Slade. He needed to find out from Slade why he stopped him from killing David. What had caused him to defend that low life? After what happened to Shado's mother he felt that would have no time for someone like David, because believe it or not, there was something called honor among thieves and that was tenfold within the gun for hire circuit.

With Ivy Town being such a small place there was not a lot going on in the square, but they did have a bar and he stepped inside, the darkness engulfing him. It was a dim room, with old wooden furniture and a huge bar long the back wall. He glanced around and noticed someone sitting at the bar and he approached quietly as the person lifted their drink to their lips and said, "Your losing your touch kid."

Slade Wilson turned around, his beer in his hand and Oliver smirked. "I wanted you to know I was here."

"That much is obvious." Oliver ordered a beer and when he was served they both moved to a nearby booth.

"I think you have some questions for me." Slade took a swig of his beer and smiled cynically.

"Astute as ever." Oliver eyed him for a moment. "Why? Why did you keep me from killing him?"

Slade took another sip of his beer and leaned closer to Oliver, "Because I am not done with him yet."

Oliver looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When David contacted me, and I found out you had gone rogue I became concerned. That was not like you. I taught you better than that, so I started looking into this David Adams. It seems that he was living two separate lives and what I found out put him in my cross hairs."

"What do you mean two separate lives? What did you find out Slade?" Oliver straightened as his curiosity was peaked. He also felt a sliver of dread go up his spine. He had seen this look in Slade's eyes once before. He had been working with Slade, training if you will, and they had been tasked with killing a pedophile who had a proclivity for young women. They had dispatched of him easily, but Slade had toyed with him first. Women and children were not on Slade's radar and when he found out the man was targeting young women it had hit Slade in the small bit of honor that he had inside him.

"David Adams has a penchant for abusing women. Young, old, married, not, he does not care. He portrays himself as this savy business man but deep in his cold, dead heart he is a monster. He beats women for fun Oliver and you know how I feel about that. So I delved a little further and I found out the one thing that has marked him for a violent, painful death. David was the man that killed Shado."

Oliver was shocked. "What do you mean he killed Shado? How did he even know her?"

"Shado had been working a contract for a guy named Bruce Davison tracking a drug dealer that was working in Central City. She had gained the trust of several dealers in the area and eventually they took her to their supplier, the man she was sent to kill."

"David Adams." Oliver knew in his gut that David had been the supplier.

"Yes. When he met Shado he took a liking to her and to keep up the ruse she pretended to return his feelings. When she found out what kind of man he really was they got into a fight and David got the upper hand. He tied her up and tortured her for two hours before he killed her."

Oliver was in pure shock, "Slade. God I am so very sorry. How did you find this out?"

"When I took the contract to work for him I got two of his closest body guards drunk. They spilled the whole story before I slit their throats. David thinks they went back to their home country of Russia."

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