Untitled Part 5

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A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters

John and Lyla sat across from Director Stevens a little bit annoyed. They were meeting with him today to discuss David Adams and to let him know they were going to bring Felicity in on their plan. However, Steven's was being difficult, and it was pissing John off.

"Look Director Stevens, I respect your advice I really do but Queen is insistent that we tell Felicity the truth. She is too smart to keep it from her much longer. If we are not careful and she finds out on her own, we could lose her cooperation and then David will be lost to us, free to keep our streets dirty." John listened as his wife spoke from the heart. She was right. Felicity was smart, and she was going to figure things out soon if they were not careful.

Director Stevens looked at John's determined face and he could see the frustration there. "Ok. When will you tell her?"

"Today. We are going to bring Queen in and talk to her tonight."

"I don't like the fact that we are having to work with Queen. But, I will let it slide this time."

"He came to us Sir. If it were not for Queen, we would have no idea who was bringing in the drugs and we would still be at square one." John said the words with a little bit of a bite causing Steven's to narrow his eyes.

"I am going to let you two continue to lead this investigation but if I see or hear of Queen getting out of line, I will pull you from it quicker than you can sneeze." John and Lyla stood and nodded.

"We understand Sir. Thank you."

Lyla took John's hand and led him out of the office. "We need to call Oliver and let him know we are on our way back. I think we should tell Felicity at our place tonight."

"I agree. On it." John pulled out his phone as they walked to the car and Lyla got behind the wheel as John dialed Oliver.


Oliver felt his phone buzzing as he sat at the diner. Looking down and seeing it was John he spoke quietly but firmly.


"Oliver, listen. We just got done meeting with Steven's and he is on board with us bringing Felicity in on the plan. How are things going there?'

Oliver glanced over to where Felicity was laughing while talking with an older couple that had come into the diner. "So far so good. But I had a conversation with David this morning and if my instincts are right, which they usually are, he is in the process of searching for another hit man. He wanted Felicity's location and I told him no. I am at the diner now keeping an eye on things."

"Shit! Ok. We are on our way back. I will have Lyla call Felicity and we will meet you at hour house tonight at 6:30." John hung up the phone and explained his conversation with Oliver to Lyla. She looked at John with worry.

"John, we have to make sure that David does not find Felicity."

"Oliver is at the diner. I think our best bet is to get Cisco to monitor David and, in the meantime, Oliver will be here, and we can look out for Felicity when she is at the diner."

"She's not going to want us around Johnny. She is going to be furious."

"She's not going to have a choice right now. I know she is going to angry, but this was the only way Lyla. It's like you told Steven's, we must get David, so we can stop those shipments. Not to mention he is dangerous to women. We can't leave a man like that on the streets. Think of the two women who are still missing. I don't want Felicity to end up one of those statistics."

Lyla kept her eyes on the road as they drove quickly back to Ivy Town. She was not looking forward to his evening.


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