Untitled Part 2

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Oliver dressed the next morning in casual jeans a t-shirt and his leather jacket, his intent today, to verify with his own eyes the where a bouts of one Miss Adams-Smoak. He walked over to his laptop and sitting down typed in his passcode. He was surprised when he logged in as the computer was beeping again and clicking on the alert, he looked at the computer in shock. It now showed her in Central City. What?!

Oliver typed in a few commands as pictures of her started to flood his screen. They showed her making her way down the street as the others had and Oliver suddenly got a funny feeling. He pulled out the folder that David had given to him and when he read her previous occupation, he slammed it down in a fury. How had he missed that?!

She was good with computers, exceptionally good. She had graduated from MIT for christ's sake, and he had a sneaking suspicion that the pictures he had received were all false, every lead was a dead end. Suddenly there was a message that popped up on his screen and he looked at it cautiously before he opened it.

Felicity: "Good try. I guess you are David's latest stooge that he has hired to try to find me. Well I am sorry to disappoint you but that is not going to happen. Ever!"

Oliver stared at the message stunned, the cursor blinking, taunting him. Not only had she thwarted Cisco's program to find her, she had back traced the program to his computer and left him a fucking message.

Oliver stood and paced, his hand running through is hair in a gesture that most that knew him would recognize as barely controlled rage. He wasn't in control of this cat and mouse game, she was and that left a bitter taste in his mouth. He sat back down and stared at the message and then he started typing.

Oliver: "Your smart. How did you trace this?"

Felicity: "It wasn't that difficult. That code was way too simple. The algorithm predictable and the firewall on your computer laughable. You should really look into upgrading that."

Oliver had to smirk at that, and then he stopped himself. She was a clever one.

Felicity: "Look if you want to take money from my asshole of a husband then who am I to stop you, but I warn you now, I am going to be extremely hard to find. I am already a step ahead of you and plan on staying there."

Oliver: "I've never missed a mark yet Miss Adams."

Felicity: "You might as well call me Felicity, because I am sure we are going to be talking a lot. Good luck trying to find me Mr. Queen, because you are going to need it."

Oliver looked at the words she had typed in shock. Not only had she traced his computer she knew his name. Oliver pulled out his phone and contacted Cisco. He needed a different tactic, something she might not expect, and he needed it quick.


Felicity had been enjoying her shows, a small pint of ice cream in her lap when she heard her laptop alarm sound. She walked over and sighed as she noticed someone trying to hack the cameras in town. Luckily Ivy Town was small and so setting up a safety net that would alert her to such activity had been easy for her. She typed in a few lines of code and before long she had the guys information and a picture.

Oliver Queen was his name and he had been in the military for two years and then had disappeared for five. Some had speculated he had worked covertly for the government, but nothing could be confirmed. She scanned further and found that he had a sister name Thea Queen who was deceased, and it seems that after her death was when Mr. Queen had suddenly shown back up with an online foot print.

Oliver Queen. She looked at his picture and the cold blue gaze caused a visceral reaction from her. He was dangerously good looking, but also deadly. So, David had resorted to taking a hit out on her? She really was not surprised. She sighed as she typed in code to send conflicting locations back to his computer. She stood and stretched as she let her program run. It would run overnight and when Mr. Queen woke in the morning he would find quite a surprise.

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