Untitled Part 8

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Felicity sat at her computer the next morning working on a program that she could set to run to find all information about what David might be planning. She also had decided to investigate the women Oliver mentioned who had disappeared. After seeing Oliver last night and the kiss they had shared, she was more confused than ever and she needed something to keep her mind off of him. She turned up her music on her headphones as she worked and soon she had her program up and running. As she worked on the next program, she decided that today she was going to meet with Oliver, John and Lyla and give them all the information that she could remember about David's dealings.

As she was working she heard her first program beep. She had a hit and when she clicked on the alert, she read through the information and quickly wrote down what she had found. Oliver was right. David had hired a new hit man by the name of Slade Wilson. The thought made a thread of fear course through her, but she was determined not to run again. She was not going to let him run her life any longer and if she ran, he would be doing just that.

She continued to work and finally completed her second program. It would run searches to find any trace of information on the two women as well as pictures and she prayed that she would find something that would help the police link the disappearances to David.

Felicity picked up her phone and texted Lyla and Oliver:

Felicity: "Can we all meet at the diner after it closes?"

Lyla: "Absolutely, are you ok?"

Felicity: "I am fine, just want to give you a statement."

Lyla: "Thank you Felicity."

Felicity: "I will see you guys at 9:30 p.m."

Oliver: "I will be there."

Lyla: "We will be there."

Felicity looked at his text and it made her think back over their moment together. He had stopped because her head had not been in the right place and she realized that it was a good decision. She had been upset and angry and feeling too many emotions and those had caused her to act out of character. She was not the kind of girl that usually made the first move and even though she would agree that she had been all over the place emotionally, she was still aware of the fact that something had drawn her to him. She set the programs to run continuously all day and then set to work checking her security system. Somehow Oliver had made his way into her home without her detecting him. How was that possible? As she was running through the code something caught her attention. She scrolled back up and started to read the code and then gasped lightly. She quickly back traced the IP address that had infiltrated her code and saw the name Cisco Ramon. She wrote that name down as well to ask Oliver about and when she was about to log off she heard her messenger beep. It was Oliver.

Oliver: "I was surprised you decided to meet so quickly."

Felicity: "I told John and Lyla that I would help them catch David and that is what I intend to do."

Oliver: "Are you sure you want me there?"

Felicity: "You are a part of this so of course. Why would you ask that?"

Oliver: "I wasn't sure you would want to see me after last night."

Felicity: "We kissed Oliver. We are both adults. It was no big deal."

Oliver sat there for a moment and read that sentence again. He frowned at the screen. Why was he a little disappointed?

Oliver: "Do you regret the kiss?"

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