Untitled Part 15

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Alena. Alena was the mole. John rubbed his hands over his head as he thought about that fact. Alena was a promising young tech that worked with Cisco in A.R.G.U.S., IT. She had only been with the organization for a little over a year and now John was wondering if she was a plant.

John walked down to Oliver's room and knocked lightly on the door. He needed to talk to Oliver, now.

Oliver glanced at the door when he heard the knock, and sliding out from under a warm, sleeping Felicity, he pulled on a pair of sweats and opened the door to see John.

"Hey man, we need to talk."

Oliver nodded, "Let me put a shirt on." He closed the door and headed to his suitcase where he pulled out a t-shirt. He glanced at Felicity as he saw her snuggling under the covers and he walked over and kissed her bare shoulder before he walked out, closing the door quietly behind him.

He met John in the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee before they both sat down at the table.

"What's going on?"

"Lyla found out who the mole is, and it is someone at A.R.G.U.S."

Oliver's face turned to stone and his eyes were deadly, "Who?"


Oliver cursed under his breath. He did not know her personally and had not met her, but he had spoken to her a couple of times when Cisco was not available and the fact that David had someone on the inside made his blood boil.

"Listen Oliver, Lyla is working on finding out how Alena got hooked up with David and what the story is so let us handle that end of things. You need to focus on Felicity." He paused before he asked, "David got away didn't he?"

"Slade stopped me before I could.....well let's just say he stopped me." John worked for A.R.G.U.S., and they wanted to arrest David once they had the evidence they needed. He on the other hand had one mission. He wanted David dead. He had not discussed this much with John because he knew that John would try to dissuade him and ask him to let them handle it. But there was one thing John did not realize. Oliver would protect Felicity at any cost and if that meant ending David's pathetic life then he would not hesitate.

"I think Felicity should stay here for a few days. We can keep some agents patrolling around the clock and Lyla and I can monitor things from town through the diner."

Oliver sighed. He had come to learn many things about the tiny blonde and one was that she did not like being told what to do. She was stubborn and as much as it aggravated him it was also something he loved about her.

"She's not going to like that."

"Well you need to convince her that it is in her best interest."

They both turned as they heard steps coming down the hall and Oliver's heart sped up when he saw her walking toward him. She had piled her hair into a messy bun and had on her glasses, a tank top and some pajama bottoms that.... were those computer monitors?

"Good morning." John smiled as Felicity approached and she grumpily headed straight for the coffee pot. She poured a cup and took a sip and a sigh of relief was heard before she finally said. "Good morning John." She walked over and kissed Oliver on the lips before taking a seat next to him. "So, what were you two pow wowing about?"

"You actually." Oliver glanced at her waiting and sure enough he saw her eyes light up and suspicion dance inside them.

"What about me?"

"John and I feel it would be in your best interest to stay here at the safe house for a few days while we monitor what is going on in town."


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