Untitled Part 1

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Oliver Queen looked at the man that sat across from him with cold disdain. David Adams had contacted him through mutual contacts and had asked to meet with him today. David was a well-known business man in Coastal City that needed a specific job done, and Oliver was a gun for hire. Oliver took the folder that the man handed to him and opened it to see exactly who his target would be, his patience with the man already growing thin. He could tell just from the little time that he had spent with the man that he was a tool, but he was here to get details on a job and so he pushed his feelings for the man aside. Oliver opened the folder and glanced at the picture inside. It must have been taken on a vacation or during a trip because the young blonde woman was not looking directly at the camera. She was standing on a balcony looking out at the ocean, her long blonde hair blown back from her face in the breeze; the soft blue dress she wore leaving little to the imagination as it clung to her curves. She was attractive and petite and when he looked at the next photo, the look in her eyes took him by surprise.

Felicity Adams-Smoak was looking into the camera and the sadness in her vivid blue eyes, to anyone with feelings, would be considered heartbreaking. Oliver looked at every detail of the photos. He noted the bruising on her arm in the first photo and the fading cut above her left eye in the second. It was part of his job to note the details and he made sure to take in each one. He glanced at the information sheet that David had provided and then closed the folder and placed it on the edge of David's desk.

"She your girlfriend?" Oliver watched the guy carefully. He could tell by the photos that she had been abused and he had no doubt in his mind that those bruises and cuts had been inflicted by the man before him.

"She's my wife." David's answer was arrogant, and Oliver had to clench his fist in his lap to keep from wiping the smirk off the guys face.

"What did she do? Steal some of your money? Cheat?"

"She left me." He watched as David's eyes turned cold as ice. Oliver could tell this woman was a trigger for him as his lip turned up in disdain. "No one leaves me."

The guy schooled his emotions before getting down to business. "I will pay you $50,000 when you locate her and another $50,000 when you show proof that the hit was a success. Let me be clear Mr. Queen. I am a powerful man and if you try to screw me over I will find out."

Oliver's eyes turned to ice as he sat back in his chair, his tailored Brioni grey silk suit doing nothing to hide the muscular physique that was hidden beneath the layers. "Well let me be very clear Mr. Adams. I don't miss." Oliver stood and grabbed the folder off the desk and looked at David, sending an unmistakable message. "And if you ever threaten me again, I will make sure your body is never found."

David sat back in his seat almost trying to escape the dangerous intensity in Oliver's eyes. He watched as Oliver walked to the door, and he wanted him to leave, but he needed an answer first. "So, does the fact you have the file mean you are accepting this contract?"

Oliver stopped at the door and turned to the man who was sorely testing his patience and said, "I will be in touch", and then he walked out the door.


"Hey Megan, can you take table seven?"

"Got it Lyla." Felicity walked over to a table of four guys that had just entered the diner where she worked. It had been a busy morning and even though the lunch rush was winding down, they were down a waitress, so Felicity was taking extra tables outside of her zone. She had been working at the Blue-Plate Diner for a little over two months and approaching customers without having a panic attack was starting to get easier. However, getting used to being called Megan was not.

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