Chapter 17

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We quickly rushed Derek into our room and set him on the bed. He groaned at the sudden movement.

"Lucky! Go get Aliquid and Tom!" I yelled at her. She nodded and she took off.

I looked back at Derek. Blood was starting to leak through his shirt. My eyes widen with embarrassment. I had to take his shirt off. I started to pull it over his head when he grabbed my hand.

"N-no. That hurts too much." He said. "Cut it off."

My cheeks flushed with red. I ran to the kitchen and brought back scissors. Quickly as I could, I cut his shirt off. I gasped, now realizing why he was breathing heavily.

Multiple stab wounds decorated his chest. He was loosing blood quickly.

"I'm probably gonna die now, huh?" He said with a weak chuckle.

"No. I won't let you. You're not going to die because you helped me." I said.

He looked at me with an amused expression. "Did anyone tell you that you're really beautiful?"

My cheeks flushed a dark red. The door then burst open. I looked up expecting to see Aliquid. I looked up and instead saw a woman with long black hair. She wore dark clothing. She raised her hand and with it, came a long black dart. I shook. I was terrified. I couldn't move. I could hear Derek from the bed yelling for me to run, move, anything. She smiled an evil smile, then she pulled her hand back and the dart raced towards me.

There was a loud crash and then an ice shield was put up in front of me along with a familiar flow. Caleb stood there in a fighting stance.

"Don't you ever, ever think about hurting her." He growled.

I gave a sudden sharp breath as a pain bloomed in my shoulder. I heard a laugh from behind me. A syringe clattered to the floor. My limbs suddenly felt heavy. I toppled back into the arms of someone. They pulled me out the window as the colors and sounds swirled together.

I managed to make one last thing out. "We've got you now, Element Bearer."


In the apartment...

"EMBER!" Caleb yelled out the now broken window.

Aliquid, Tom, and Lucky ran into the apartment. They saw a woman frozen in ice; a shirtless, injured Darkling; and Caleb leaning out of a broken window screaming.

"What happened here?" Aliquid demanded.

"They took her." Derek said.

"Who?" Tom asked.

"The Darklings." Caleb said turning from the window.

"What's gonna happen to her?" Lucky asked.

Derek looked up sadly, "You don't want to know."



so yeah.

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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