Chapter 4

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"Drew!" I yelled at him.

"What? Everyone was thinking it." he defended himself.

I went to punch him when Lucky grabbed my arm. She shot me a look that said, "No hurting anyone."

"Ember?" a man said walking up to us.

"Yes?" I asked cautiously. "Wait, I've seen you before."

"Actually you have. You saw me a week ago when I went to break up your fight, and you saw me at all of your family birthday parties until you were six." he said smiling.

He was a tall man with reddish hair like mine. He wore simple, round, Harry Potter glasses. He wore a nice looking suit too. All in all, he looked rich.

"Ember, don't you remember me? Uncle Tom?" he said grinning.

It was suddenly like a spark in my head. "Uncle Tom!" I shouted giving him a hug. He gladly accepted the hug. I looked over at my friends and they looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I asked my friends.

"Its just, your hugging the principal. Its weird." Kyla said.

"You're the principal?" I asked my uncle.

"Yep. I run this place!" He said sticking his hands in the air.

I laughed and the others still continued giving us weird looks.

"OK, seriously. What is your problems?" I asked.

"He's always strict. He never makes jokes." Kyla said staring. The principal laughed.

"You've just never seen this side of me. See ya, Ember." he said with a smile. He turned and walked away from us.

"You know, If he loses the glasses, the tie, and the top two buttons of his shirt, he'd be hot." Drew said.

We all looked at him like he was crazy. Even June had her mouth hanging open.

"What?" he demanded. "I like guys. Is that a problem?"

Caleb paled and took a step back.

"I don't like you, you're not my type." Drew said, obviously offended. "Will you guys shut your mouths? You'll catch flies."

"Bro! You don't just drop that in a casual conversation!" I yelled at him. "'Yeah, I'm gay. Just thought I'd tell you. Carry on with your lives.'" I said lowering my voice to imitate him.

"Its not that big of a deal." June said. "At least he didn't say he killed someone."

"Oh, then don't look in the basement." Drew said jokingly.

"Well, let's head to our afternoon classes." Lucky said.

We all began walking in the direction of combat training except Caleb. He just stood there with a weird look. I hung back a bit.

"You coming, Sunshine?" I asked him snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah" he said shaking his head a little bit.

We walked in silence until Caleb broke it.

"I just... never expected him to be..." he said seeming a bit lost. "I mean, you think you know a guy."

"Hey, its alright just-" I tried to put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him when I pulled my hand back probably looking like something bit me. "You're so cold!"

"Yeah, its a bit unusual for a flow, but I've learned to control it." he said.

"Dude, my temperature is hotter than most heats." I said finally having someone to relate to.

He placed a hand on my arm and brought it back quickly. "How much higher?!"

"My normal cool down temp is 212° F" I stated proudly.

"Mine is 32° F!" he said excitedly.

We silently placed our hands against each others in front of us.

I laughed "You feel normal to me, once I expected it."

"You feel normal too." he said.

We looked into each others eyes for a little bit. We were suddenly interrupted by a yell.

"You two love birds gonna keep staring into each others eyes or are you gonna make out?" Drew yelled.

"I'm gonna to rip that smart Aleck mouth of his off his face." I said through gritted teeth. I then turned and ran with a fireball chasing after Drew.

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