Chapter 14

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Uncle Tom excused me after that and told me to go back to my apartment. I hit the button on the elevator and stepped in. I noticed a dark figure in the corner.

"I'm sorry, I can take the stairs-" I started to leave. The person quickly grabbed my arm. With the other hand he pressed the elevator button for my floor. 

"No, we need to talk." he said. He let go of my arm and I got a good look at his face.

"Derek?" I gasped.

"Look, I know that you have been having nightmares." he said. He ignored my weird look and let out a sigh. "It was me. I gave you the nightmares."

"You?!" I said. I felt my temper flare and I slammed my forearm into his neck and pinned him against the wall. I raised my other arm like I was going to throw a fireball. "You are a Darkling!?"

He let out a sad chuckle. "You can't hurt my with your element. I gave you that nightmare. I know you're terrified that if you try to use your power, you'll loose control and hurt yourself or others."

He gave me a look. I just glared at him. "Then what's stopping me from knocking your front teeth out?"

"Just hear me out. The Darklings want their freedom back. They're planning an attack. That fire was just a start to what they can do. They want to kill you." he said.

"Why? Why do they want to kill me?" I asked him.

"You know why. You're the element bearer. You were chosen to destroy us." he said like it was totally obvious. 

My mind went blank. "I'm what?" I said surprised. "I'm not the element bearer. Aliquid is."

"You're the next one. Aliquid can only serve as the element bearer for so long. That's why she came here. To find the next one."

"I can't be. I have only ever uses fire. Nothing else."

"Your powers will come." he paused. "They told me to break you before that could happen."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. "This is your stop. Use this information as you wish." he said. He quickly disarmed me and walked out of the elevator.

I just stood there soaking it all in.


Somewhere nearby...

She pulled the binoculars down from her eyes as Derek walked out of the building.

"You were right." she said with a chuckle. "He cracked."

She turned to her partner who had his back turned. "Well, what do we do now?" she asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" he said. "We attack."


Ooohh Duh duh duh. Plot thickens!!!! Ahhhh!!! Things are going to get exciting!!!! So comment, vote, add to reading lists, etc. etc. I will be updating as soon as possible.

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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