Chapter 7

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I got up and walked over to Lucky, June, and Kyla. They all high-fived me.

"That was epic!" Lucky said excitedly. "Especially with that little explosion! It was all like booooshh!"

"Come on! Let's go get some celebratory ice cream!" Kyla said happily.

"They sell ice cream on campus?" I asked.

"No, but I have some back at my apartment." she said smiling.

"We're allowed in the flow's building?" I asked.

"Sure, you just have to have permission from a flow." Caleb said behind me scaring me.

I turned around and slapped him. "Don't scare me like that!"

He laughed and ran while I chased him with a fire ball.


"Ahhhh, nothing tastes better than ice cream when its celebratory."  I said happily from Kyla's couch.

It got a bunch of yeses and I even got a "preach!" from Lucky.

We were all sprawled all over Kyla's apartment. She had said there was an odd number of flows so she got the place all to herself. Each of us was holding our own little bowl of ice cream while watching assorted Disney movies.

"Have any of you even tried watching a movie upside down?" Lucky said randomly from her upside down position on the couch next to me.

"All the blood is going to rush to your head, and you're going to pass out." Drew said.

"Pfffff. No I won't." she said.

We popped in the next movie. It was called Frozen and I had watched it a million times. Do You Want To Build A Snowman started and I sang my heart out.

"Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be snowman." Lucky and I sang.

"GO AWAY ANNA!" Caleb yelled.

"Shesh Elsa." Drew said next to him.

That earned him a punch in the gut.

We all laughed while Drew was writhing on the ground.

We then heard screamed downstairs.

"What is that?" I asked.

June suddenly stiffened. "You guys, we need to get out now. Like, right now."

"Why? Wha-" then I smelled it.

Smoke. And lots of it.

"The buildings on fire!" I yelled.

Kyla and Caleb suddenly went wide eyed. "We can't go down there. At least I can't. My temp will rise to much. I could die!" he said.

"Yeah, we all could!" Lucky yelled.

"I take care of the fire!" I said running out the door. As soon as I stepped out, the hallway lit up. The fire was right outside our door. I took a deep breath and put my hands up. I created a tunnel through the flames.

"Any day now would be great!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Everyone poured out of the hallway and ran ahead of me. I tried my best to control the fire. This fire was different. It didn't want to be controlled. We ran down the staircase and towards the exit. I was gulping for air. I fell to my knees and the tunnel I had made collapsed. I faintly saw everyone running out of the exit. I tried to reach up my hand to call for them, but my voice was long gone. I faintly heard someone screaming my name, but my world faded before I could tell who it was.

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