Chapter 16

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Lucky looked up and gave me a weary smile. I stood there shocked. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

"I know you might be a little shocked, but I'm still me." Lucky said ending with a yawn.

"What are you so tired?" I asked.

"All of my lessons with Aliquid to train me had to be at night. I had class all day, so the only time we could get a class room to practice was at night." She explained. "That's why I was always so tired."

"Its just... they thought it was me. Why?" I asked.

Just then the door burst open. Caleb walked in dragging behind him a familiar blue haired girl.

"Guess who I just saw reporting to a group of Darklings?" He said angrily.

Kyla slid to the floor crying. "I'm sorry! They threatened me! They threatened my family! They told me I needed to find the next Element Bearer. They knew you would be coming to choose a successor so they told me to find the student you spent the most time with. I'm so sorry Ember!"

"I'm not the next Element Bearer." I said.

She sat up straight in attention. "You're not? I put on this whole act, and you're not the Element Bearer!?" She shouted.

Lucky looked confused. "Act?"

Kyla sighed. "Well, might as well tell you now. I'm not a flow. I'm a Darkling spy. I was given given a large amount of money to do this. My names not even Kyla. Its Maria."

Everyone exchanged looks.

"That's it? You're just a greedy Darkling spy?" Drew asked.

"Pretty much." She said.

Well, this was... different.

I walked up to Kyl- I mean Maria and I pinched a muscle in her shoulder. She tensed up then went slack and fell back on the floor.

I grinned. "I love knowing pressure points."

We ended up tying Kyl- Maria up and leaving her in my Uncle's office. We all went back to our apartments. Lucky and I discussed her new powers when we heard a groan from around the corner. We slowly and quietly walked around the corner.

I jumped around the corner with my fists blazing with fire. Lucky jumped behind me and she used rock to cover her hands. I would have complimented her on how cool that was, but I gasped at what was around the corner.

Derek was leaning against the wall heavily with blood dripping down his jacket. He groaned and he stumbled to the ground. I raced forward and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Derek! What the hell happened to you!?" I asked.

He looked up and gave a weak, sad smile. "I helped you."

"Quickly! Bring him inside!" Lucky shouted.

We carried him inside and to the elevator where we looked at his wounds. He had cuts and scratches all up and down his arms. His leg was bent at an unnatural angle, he was breathing heavily so Lucky assumed a broken rib, he also had a cut on his forehead, and blood slowly dribbled out of the corner of his mouth.

The elevator dinged and we rushed him into our room.

Tonight is going to be a long night.


So yeah, words and such. Vote, comment, eat pie, kiss people, and do whatever it is you do.

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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