Chapter 13

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I hauled my butt out of bed and walked over to the coffee pot. I groggily downed about two cups of straight black coffee before I was finally awake. My nightmare had kept me up again. I had been having terrible bight terrors. Twice this week Lucky had to wake me up in the middle of the night because I was screaming.

I thought the one about the ice was bad. One of my latest ones was awful. I had been surrounded by nothing but water. I tried my best to swim up to the top to get out of the water. As I got near to the surface, I saw a body sinking slowly. It looked like Lucky. I let out a little bit of precious air with a muffled scream. I tried to swim upward to avoid the body, but instead I saw the sinking bodies of June and Kyla. I was really scared now. I saw the dead bodies of Caleb, Drew, Uncle Tom, my parents, classmates, random people I had caught out of the corner of my eye. The water was now full of the bodies. I kept trying to swim up but the amount of bodies was blocking me. I felt the water slowly penetrate my lungs. I slipped into blackness, which woke me up.

I also had another dream where I was hanging on the edge of a cliff. It was a really windy day. It was making it hard to hang on. Someone walked close to the edge, they seemed to control the winds. I called out to them. I screamed at them to help me. They just simply raised their hands and brought them down along with the winds. It knocked me off the cliff, spiraling to my death.

My dream from last night was the worst. I was in a room with fire. I tried to control the fire, but it refused to bend to my will. The flames grew hotter. I actually felt hot for once in my life. The flames kept at my arms. They left burn marks. It was impossible. I can't be burned. I held onto the spot where my skin was singed. I screamed as my own element turned against me. It burned my body. I felt the pain. It felt like I was really on fire. Like I was really dying.

It scared me beyond imagination. Lucky slowly got up out of her bed sluggishly.

"Coffee." she moaned.

I gave her a weird look. "You hate coffee. With a passion."

"I need it." she said raising her voice slightly and stretching her arms towards the coffee pot. I hesitated, but I poured her a cup. She drank it without creamer, sugar, or anything. I felt my jaw drop.

"What?" she asked.

"Its just that's black coffee. No one likes straight black coffee besides me." I said in shock.

"Its energy, so it doesn't bother me." she said quickly before setting the cup in the sink and going to eat some cereal.


We finally walked out of the apartment. I was in my favorite combat boots, a plain red T-shirt, my black leather jacket, and my hair in loose curls. Lucky was in sweat pants and a hoodie.

When she walked out of the bathroom in that I gave her weird looks. She was completely oblivious. She must be really tired.

We walked to class and I sat down and started to doze off. I was awoken suddenly when Drew kept poking me. I let out a growl.

The teacher continued and I think I dozed off three times. I couldn't handle these nightmares. Soon the lesson was over and I sluggishly walked over to the lunch table. Everyone gave me weird looks as I sat down. They got even more confused looks when Lucky sat down.

"What's with you two?" June asked.

"Yeah, Ember isn't insulting me." Drew added.

"And Lucky is dressed like a hobo." Kyla said.

"Nightmares" I groaned.

"I was tired." Lucky said slowly.

I tried to get up to get rid of my plate, when I fell to the ground. Caleb was up to help me. He had been really protective since I had had that night terror. He offered me his hand and I took it. I felt his usual coldness and the room of ice filled my mind. I let out a slight scream and scurried away from him.

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