Chapter 12

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We unloaded everything from the car and we all went our separate ways to go to our apartments. Well, besides Kyla and Caleb. Caleb was rooming with Drew and Kyla was rooming with June.

Back to the subject at hand.

We went up to our apartment and set our groceries on the table and then Lucky began to question me.

"Who was that?"

"Who was who?" I responded obliviously.

"That guy at the mall. That you exchanged saliva with." she said unamused.

"Oh, him. Yeah, he's an old friend." I said. "His name is Derek."

"Derek. I don't trust him." she said out of the blue.

"Why? He's really sweet." I defended him.

"Why? No just kisses an 'old friend' in the middle of the mall." she said aggressively.

I felt a draft pick up speed through the apartment. "So maybe we're a little more than friends. You're just jealous that I have a guy who likes me!"

"I am not jealous!" she practically screamed. The draft suddenly stopped and Lucky's eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground.

"Lucky!" I ran to her and pulled her close to me.

I remembered that Aliquid had been able to tell what was wrong with her. I picked Lucky up and carried her to Aliquid's room.


I pounded on the door.

"Aliquid! Open up! It's Lucky!" I yelled as I hit the door.

The door opened quickly and the familiar white haired girl stood there. She saw Lucky hanging limp in my arms.

"Come in. Quickly." she said urgently.

I walked in and set her on the nearest bed. Aliquid quickly walked over to her and covered her hands in water. They started to glow and she moved her hands above Lucky. She shut her eyes and concentrated.

"You better leave her here. She is very troubled." Aliquid said mysteriously.

I heaved a sigh and walked back to my dorm. I laid down on my bed and quickly fell asleep.


I tried to run away from whatever was chasing me. I ran straight into a wall. I tried to push against it but it was freezing. I ran in the other direction to shortly run into another wall. It was cold too. I raced around trying to find my escape, only to run into ice covered walls. I felt my body temperature start to drop. I shivered. I looked around to see the walls inching closer.

I screamed. I don't know why. I looked at a wall and faintly saw another person there. It looked like a boy my age. He looked like he was standing behind the wall. His face suddenly showed anger. The walls were closing in at an alarming rate.

I screamed. I kept screaming. Whether it out of fear or pain, I don't know. I just kept screaming until it felt like my throat was bleeding. The walls were now pressing up against me.

I then heard someone faintly yelling my name. I then heard a giant crack and something started to shake me.




My eyes flew open and boiling hot tears spilled out. I saw a very scared looking Caleb shaking me. I felt his coolness of his hands and the walls of ice flashed in my mind. I screamed and tries to wrench myself from his grip.

He let go and I fell on the floor. I scurried away and hid under the table. I started breathing heavily. I think I was having a panic attack.

"Ember!? What is the matter with you?!" I heard a new voice yell. I looked out from under the table and saw Kyla standing there with tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

"What..?" I began to ask.

"I knew you would oversleep, so I came to wake you up since Lucky was with Aliquid. I heard screaming from your room but the door was locked. I called Caleb to help me." She explained. Her voice softened. "We may have broken your door."

I looked over at the door and saw that it appeared to have had the doorknob kicked out.

"I think you were having a night terror. You kept crying and screaming. What were you dreaming of?" Caleb asked.

"I was trapped. The walls were made of ice. My temperature kept dropping and the walls kept closing in. There was a face..." I trailed off.

I felt more tears fall just at the thought of my nightmare. Why was I so scared of it?


Somewhere in the area...

"You delivered the nightmare?" the voice asked him.

"Yep. One of the best ones I've made yet. So much fear." Derek said.

"I want her so terrified she can't even leave her house." the voice said. "Once you are sure she is broken, we will proceed."

"I will have her broken beyond repair." Derek said smiling an evil smile.


So yeah, that's the update. So many questions to answer. What's up with Lucky? Why is Aliquid so secretive? Who is Derek working for? What is the voice planning? Will Ember face the nightmares, or crumble under the pressure?

Yep. I like making people question things.

P.S. No updates July 30- August 3. I will be busy. BUSY MESSING AROUND ON A JET SKI!!! VACATION SUCKAS!!!!!

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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