Gray and Blue

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Everyone was surrounding Hyuga to make sure he was okay after what happened. They all saw how he suddenly took down the creature without any effort. Then again Shizuka concluded it was a possession that overtook him. If (Y/n) intervene in time then he would've been lost.

He was now resting in her lap as Mizuki managed to prepare a wet cloth with his face mask. (Y/n) noticed that his left arm was outstretched towards the door they came from before and looks at the door. There she saw something.

"Is someone there?" she calls out to them which made everyone turn their heads toward the door.

"...It ran off," Sohma says feeling its presence running. Without a second to wait, he goes after it.

In the hallway, he managed to catch up to the creature that was running off and pinned it to the floor. But he realizes that this creature was different, it was like a child and seem to be female. She had ears like an animal and grey hair. She even had a tail.

The creature was struggling to get away but Sohma tied it up so he could take it back to the others.

Arriving back with the others, they all took a good look at her. Her hair was thick, rough and long. Dark greyish colour as well like the dog Hyuga had taken down. She was wearing clothes meant for thieves that looked new but the thing that stands out the most was that she was wearing a blindfold and her arms were locked in gauntlets that looked heavier than she looked like she could carry.

"What should we do?" Kazemasa looked at Yoshitsune for orders on what to do. Yoshitsune then approaches the girl and sat on his knees.

"Excuse me, can you help us? We're looking for a friend. A girl like you," he spoke calmly.

She didn't speak and she didn't look like she wanted to cooperate. But Yoshitsune could sense the fear in her movements and the way she was shaking.

"It's okay, we can help you as well. This place is scary is it not? We can free you from here," he assures her. And he was planning to keep that promise. After all, even not Human, there was a little girl in front of him, locked up in these gauntlets.

A moment of notice and the girl looked up and nodded her head. They all breathed a sigh of relief but half of the group disagreed. Kazemasa urged Yoshitsune for a private talk so that the girl wouldn't listen in.

"You sure about this? She is a spirit like the ones we faced. What if she tries to trick us?" he asks.

"Hmm... half of us can stay here. Hyuga and the others still need time to rest. If anything happens, we'll send her back to you," Yoshitsune says.

"But we have no choice, we came across many traps here and the spirits keep getting stronger. If we have her by our side we can avoid danger and find Noka quicker," he then sorts out the group.

Hyosuke and Mizuki healed quicker since all they took was being slammed against the wall. Shizuka and Yoshitsune, of course, go with (Y/n). Sohma and Noritsune will go as well while Kazemasa stays behind to take care of the wounded.

"So where do we go?" Hyosuke asks the girl. She pointed underneath the fur as Hyosuke and Mizuki moved it to the side of the room. Underneath it all was a large trapdoor so Noritsune and Sohma moved it to reveal a stairway leading downstairs.

Saying goodbye to the rest, they headed downstairs with the girl lighting up the walls downstairs with what looked like will-o-wisp. The further they went in, the more they see that there was an underground dungeon as well. Prison cells in row after row.

"Is Noka in one of them?" Hyosuke looks through each of them. The girl shook her head and points further down.

They were silent the whole time as the girl just crawled on all fours like an animal and led them to where they were going. They wondered how was she able to know where she was going with that blindfold on. A lot of the cells were empty now other than ashes and dust left behind.

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