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Hyuga and (Y/n) finally made a bowl of katsudon (after a few hours) and brought it to Noka. (Y/n) apologized for taking so long but she didn't mind and she ate the bowl happily. With one final scoop of rice, she licked the bowl as well and lies on her back, satisfied once she was done.

"Full Brat?" Hyuga asked as she responded with a 'Mm'. 

"Hmhm," Hyuga smiles as he takes the bowl from her and stands up. (Y/n) made sure to tuck Noka into bed first before following after Hyuga happily. 

The next morning, Kazemasa was the first to wake up and get ready. He decided he should write a letter to the Wind Village to see if there was anything happening. He opens the door to the library and there he saw Noka standing in front of the bookshelves.

"You wake up really early..." Kazemasa softly mutters to himself but Noka heard and she turns her head towards him.

"Uh- sorry..." he apologizes but she continues to look at him. 

An awkward silence filled the room as Kazemasa tries to choose whether he should leave her alone or actually talk to her. He was okay with kids in his village, asking him for a piggyback once in a while and even asking new ninja techniques. As he thought about it, he saw the book Noka was reading was his village's herbal remedy book.

"That book..." he mutters as Noka looks at the book in her hands. She hesitated at first but she shows the book to him with shaking hands.

"This book has all sorts of rare herbs I haven't seen before," she nervously smiles as she says this. She was probably trying to make friends with him so Kazemasa decides to go along.

"Indeed, my village has the proper environment for them and we best grow them as much and fresh as possible for our ni- people," he quickly cuts off when he was about to say 'ninjas'.

Kazemasa looks at the books that were on top of the table "You really like to read," There were a whole pile of them, at least half of the shelves she took from.

"Bro taught me since I need to know how to take care of him and myself," she adds.

"You have a brother?"

"I do!" she replies happily and that gave Kazemasa a smile on his face.

"I see.. but where is he now?" as soon he said that Noka's face went pale as if she has seen a ghost and she looked like she was frozen in place.

"I- nevermind..." Kazemasa quickly says. He forgot that they actually found her mysteriously in the forest, maybe she really has been through a lot.

"Uh... what is he like?" but they really wanted to find him for her. The quicker the better.

"H-he... was caring... he always thought about me. He was strong and h-he always was there for me..." her voice squeaks as her eyes started tearing.

"H-hey! Don't cry...!" Kazemasa quickly bends down in a panic and rubbed her tears away. He stood silent for a while until she finally calmed down.

"Look, um... Do you know where he is? I think we can look for him,"

She sniffs but stutters "I.. I d-don't know a-anymore...."

Kazemasa felt his heart tightens as he looks at her but he laid a hand on her head. 

"It's okay, I promise that we'll look for him, okay?" he tries to put on a smile and pet her head to calm her down. It worked somehow as she slightly nodded her head.

"...Did you learn anything from these books?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"I do, lots of herbs and medical techniques but... I don't understand some of the writings since they look new," she looks down again.

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