Her name is Noka

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It was dinner time and everyone gathered at the dinner table. While (Y/n) was serving the men, Yoshitsune spoke up.

"Has anyone seen the little girl this afternoon?" he asked as Hyosuke and Mizuki gave each other looks while Kazemasa slowly raises his hand.

Sohma was the first to tell him about his meeting with the girl accompanied with (Y/n), then Hyosuke and Mizuki about the incident in the stables, where the horses went wild, and finally Kazemasa told him where he found the girl in the forest.

"...And after that, we went back but she immediately ran off," he finished.

"So what exactly happened to the horses?" Benkei asked.

"I'm not sure... but I was only about to show the girl the horses so I really have no idea what causes them to go crazy," Hyosuke said.

"I investigated the stables and even checked the horses to see if there was anything wrong with them and so far there's nothing..." Mizuki added. 

"That girl also wanted to go outside since this morning so what if she created some distraction in the stables to go out?" Hyosuke said.

"She couldn't be that smart and as Mizuki said, there was nothing that could've driven the horses crazy in the stable. She's only a little girl," Sohma said.

"Then again, the clothes she's wearing.." Kazemasa said.

"We may or may not know if she really is a thief or working for one. Remember it's only been a year since the war so she might be one of the children who had been sold to slavery." he defensively countered.

"Sohma, please don't be mad at Kazemasa. I understand that you are only defending her but we really may not be sure unless we actually talk to her and she opens up to at least one of us," Yoshitsune said.

"Um.. Yoshitsune?" (Y/n) spoke up. "If it's okay, may I see the girl again?"

"Of course, after all, I think you are like a mother to her," he smiled in amused.

"Huh? Am I? Really?" 

"Well, that should be since Hyuga and she already did it and-"

"Benkei!" (Y/n) shouted at him as he said that as everyone laughed. She looked over at Hyuga for help but he was somewhat expressionless and didn't laugh with the rest of them. She wondered why but for now she had to check on her.

(Y/n) walked into the room of the little girl, where she was hiding in her futon as always, with a meal tray in hand. 

"Hello there, I'm back," she said and sat down on the floor while placing the tray at her side. The girl didn't move at all and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked with concern in her tone and another dead silence filled the room. Taking a closer look, her eyes looked tired and there are even dark circles around them. 

"Have you been sleeping properly?" not just that, (Y/n) reached out to touch them and saw that her nose turned pink. She had been crying. 

"You've been... crying..." she mutters as the girl only moved her eyes to look at her. They looked so mournful that it disheartened (Y/n) for even touching her.

The girl barely talk. She wished she could talk to her and then remembered she had to give her the pouch Sohma have her. 

"Um.. is this yours?" she took out the pouch and showed it to the girl. She stared at it and then shot up from her bed! Grabbing the pouch from (Y/n)'s hand.

She looked inside to make sure it was the pouch of black shards and hold it close to her chest for dear life. 

"Gh...nghh...!" the tears she was holding back finally broke through.

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