Gentle eyes

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After explaining everything to Hyuga, he let out an exhausted sigh from his mouth and also helped Benkei up from fainting. Apparently, Benkei was hiding from Lady Rui since she couldn't stop bothering him but he heard everything from another room. Goyo was also given ice to treat his black eye (that didn't look that bad) and should recover by tomorrow.

"Great... At least she's gone," Hyuga muttered as they were all seated in the room now to calm down.

"Anyways, we are glad that you both came back from your trip," Yoshitsune said looking at both Hyuga and (Y/n) who just went out.

"And earlier than I thought. Did something happen?" Sohma asked looking at the two.

"Oh yeah, we actually came back to report what we found in the forest," Hyuga said as everyone look at him curiously.

"Really? Did you find something related to our attack?" Yoshitsune looked at the two.

"It's not really a 'something but more like someone," (Y/n) corrected.

"Someone!? You mean one of the attackers?!?" Hyosuke raises his voice in alarm as he said.

"No no! It has nothing to do with the attackers but actually... A little... Girl," everyone stared at her wide eyed when she said that.

"A little girl?" Kazemasa muttered.

"Yeah, she was unconscious when we found her in the forest but she's in my room and we already gave her some medicine," she said.

"That's good," Yoshitsune smiled with relief. "Is it okay if I can see her now?"

"Of course my Lord," Hyuga replied and led him where the girl was sleeping.

Leaving the door open for some of the ninjas to peek. Yoshitsune sat on the floor near the futon where the girl was sleeping soundly with Hyuga and (Y/n) at the side of the room.

"YOU HAD A KID!!!" Enya shouted but quickly covered his mouth when everyone shooshes at him.

"...Her fever is really high..." Yoshitsune said after placing his head on her forehead.

"She really has hair just like you Hyuga!" he chuckled as he looked over to him.

"Yes... Just don't get the wrong idea," Hyuga looked over the others as they all shifted their gaze away from him.

"We should let her rest here. (Y/n), I'll leave her in your care," Yoshitsune says as he stood up.

"Of course Lord Yoshitsune!" she exclaims happily.

Two days have passed since and the girl still hasn't woken up but her fever was starting to get better. But once in awhile she was twisting and turning her body in different positions as if she was having a nightmare so (Y/n), and once in a while the guys, would watch over her to calm her down.

(Y/n) was in the kitchen preparing lunch as always and while the rice was still boiling, she decided to check on the little girl. 

Arriving outside the room, slide open the door to find the girl sitting up in her futon and looking straight at her in alarm.

"Ah! You're awake!" (Y/n) exclaims happily but the girl covered her head with her hood in fear when she did that.

"O-oh... It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you..." she says in a gentle tone as she sat on the floor while putting some distance between them. 

The girl looks at (Y/n) up and down and continues to stare at her with big deep blue orbs that seem to glint underneath her dark hood. The girl wondering what she was going to do to her.

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