Chapter Two:

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[[A/N: So how about some more cliche bits?  Some cliche twists and whatnot.  Goodness I adore cliched romance<3  If you dont, this is probably not the short story for you :)  Remember to vote, please.]]

Chapter Two: 

"Would you get out of the bathroom, Mandy, I need to go!"  I crossed my legs as I leaned against the wall, trying to keep myself from bursting as my sister yelled back at me, though I couldn't hear her over her hair dryer.  

Sighing as I gave up, I ran out of the apartment and down the hall as fast as I could before pounding against another door.  As soon as it opened, I shoved the person out of my way and made a dash for their bathroom, grimacing as I heard the person chuckling on the other side of the door.

"Your sister being a hog again?" 

"Of course she is," I answered as I washed my hands and dried them before exiting the toilet room.  "Would you expect anything different from her?  She wouldn't even let me in to pee!" I grumbled for several more minutes about my sister before plopping myself down onto the comfy leather couch and tossing my legs onto the cushions, relaxing.  

Looking towards Callum, I took in his boxers-only appearance and wrinkled my nose.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, I figured you'd be getting ready for work by now."

He sat on the edge of the couch next to me before grabbing a remote and turning on the TV, switching it to morning cartoons.  "Nah, not today.  Some big shots are coming in tonight, I had to stay over all night last night to get everything perfect, so I have the day off." 

For the first time I seemed to notice the slightly dark rings under his green eyes, his five o'clock shadow, his mussed up dark brown hair and the fact that he kept yawning every few seconds.  I bit my lip as I stared guiltily at his tired appearance.  "I'll go, thanks for letting me use your bathroom Callum."  

Standing up off the couch, I showed myself out as he muttered a 'you're welcome' and went back to my own apartment, glaring at Mandy as she flipped her straightened light brown hair over her shoulder.  Her  almost too-thin lips looked up at me before curling unattractively and her dull brown eyes blared 'I'm better than you' loud and clear.  

"I'm ready to go to school now," she smirked, her head tilting as she grabbed her bag and passed me the keys to our mom's car, her hands not even making contact with my own, as if touching me would cause her to contract some disease or other.  

"You'll have to wait a minute, Mandy, I'm still in my pajamas."  

"Well," she started, her body tensing up. "It isn't my fault you're not ready in time. I need to be taken to school now or else I'll be late."

"I couldn't get ready in time because someone was hogging the bathroom!" 

Mandy mimicked me, her nose and lips becoming disfigured as I growled lightly, marching to my bedroom and tossing on the first articles of clothing I could find, stuffing my phone into the pocket of my jeans.  Most of my things were dirty, as I was rather lazy when it came to doing chores that I didn't want to do.  Cleaning my room was fine, but dishes and laundry just weren't my cup of tea... Which is why it usually got left to the last second.  

"That shirt makes you look fatter than usual, Elloise."  

I glared at my younger sister, ignoring her statement and walking out of the apartment towards the car.

I wasn't fat, I knew that; in fact I was the perfect weight for my height.  Mandy was just obsessed with weight, she'd gone through a year of counseling for being anorexic, sure she was fat.  Now she's much too skinny, but slowly.. very slowly, she was gaining back the weight her body desperately needed.

I smiled as my phone vibrated in the pocket of my pants, knowing it could only be one out of five people.  Unfortunately there was no time to check texts right now, so instead I waited as my sister got into the plain blue sedan, put the car in reverse before taking off towards her school.  

One new text from Harriet; I smiled as I read the name before opening my messages.  

[In town 4 a couple days, we should hang out] 

Despite the name 'Harriet' as the person was listed as on my phone, the person texting me was a boy, and his name was Harry.  He had been my best friend for a long while until I'd moved to the United States, and he went off to be in the biggest boy band thus far. 

We still talked every once in a while, promising to hang out even though we knew we probably wouldn't, and I would even say we were still pretty good friends, we'd just drifted apart a bit.  Even if he was a celebrity now, that didn't change the way I thought of him.  Sure, I thought it was pretty cool to be friends with the Harry of most girls fantasies, but he was still just my best friend from childhood.

[Sure!  I've missed you like crazy H.  When and where and how have you been?]  

I may get a tiny bit over excited when it comes to Harry but most of the time, he understands.  He knows that I haven't seen him in over a year, and I haven't texted or gotten a message from him in over three weeks.  

[AJ's Diner, 2mrrw night, 8.  U can meet my band mates. I'm pretty good, we'll talk later] 

[I'll be there for sure!]

I grinned as I pulled away from the local high school, turning on my music and singing at the top of my lungs as I made my way towards the downtown library.  I wasn't into the music Harry and his band sung, although I occasionally listened to One Direction's CD just to hear my best friends voice; which was pathetic I knew, but I couldn't stop.  Otherwise I stuck to music I enjoyed, like All Time Low and NeverShoutNever, music that made me smile as I sung along to it.  


"My sister wont shut up.  She's whining and crying and making all of our lives a living hell!" 

I watched as Felicity paced back and forth in my apartments living room, her dyed black hair tied up in a simple ponytail as she complained about her fourteen year old sister.  

"It isn't our fault she spent her birthday money on a fake tan instead of buying those stupid concert tickets! Now it's our fault because we wont lend her the eighty-five bucks she needs. Her reasoning being that she needed that tan because 'Louis'' turn on is a fake tan.  Louis is twenty, Elle, twenty!  She's barely a teenager and she's trying to figure out how to turn on this man!"

I smiled slightly, watching my friend as she complained on and on about the stupidity of tweens, putting my legs up on the arm of the chair I sat in and staring up at Felicity as she continued to pace.  

"We were like that too, remember that Aaron Carter concert?  We begged for months to go to that. Then there was that N'Sync one.  I remember you threw a complete fit when your mother wouldn't let you go see them because your room wasn't clean."

She lost her edge as she thought about that fact before laughing at a memory only she could see and plopped herself in my lap, leaning on the back of the chair as she grinned, her bright white teeth shining.  

"Felicity, Elle, and Mandy! Dinner!"  

My friend jumped up, making me grunt as she used my stomach to push herself up off of me and then I slowly followed along behind her.  

"Also, Elloise, something was in the mail for you today," my mother spoke as she passed me the plain envelope with my name on it.  I stared at it before turning it over, looking for a return address but not finding one.  Shrugging, I tore it open and dumped out the contents.  

Five pieces of paper fell out, four of those just scraps and one a note. Picking up the note, I barely managed to make out the scribble, it looked as if someone was in a really big hurry to get it written.  

"Hope to see you there, -Harry," I read aloud before grinning.  

"Looks like your sister will get to go to that concert after all, Felicity!"

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