Chapter 17

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I woke up one morning from a text from Emily

'Hey huni, am missing you. Don't think that I'm not. Kimberly's made friends with my little cousin. I do love you Beau. You're my eveything. I'll come back in a few weeks just to let things blow over and so I can have time to myself and to see family and old friends I will let you know when I'm back!'

Emily's POV~

Kimberly "Mum?" Me "Yeah?" Kimberly "I really want to see the places where you went when you was younger. I've only seen your friends house where you used to stay, I wanna see other places you've hung out, where you went to school and stuff!" Me "Fine. Let me have a shower and get changed"

Why on earth does she want to see where I went to school and other places I used to hang? My life was boring until I met Beau and gave birth to Kimberly. After I got changed I hired a car and they dropped it off at my house. It's one of those companies where you hire a car for sometime, they come and pick you up then drive back to the offices to drop the guy off then you have the car to yourself. It sounds complicated, I know.

"Here's my primary school" I said as we pulled up. Kimberly "Primary?" Me "You call it first school or infant school in America, here in England it's Primary school" Kimberly "The exact same?" Me "Yes the exact same! I loved this school and the teachers" Kimberly "I wanna see your high school" We pulled away and headed to my high school. "We call it High school in America but here in England it's Secondary school"  I said. "So like middle school?" Kimberly replied. Me "No! in England you get Primary schools with students aging from four or five year olds to eleven to twelve year olds. and in secondary school they aged between twelve and sixteen and then when they leave they go to college which is the same as America with ages from fourteen plus" Kimberly "Is there an age restriction in college here in the UK" Me "No you can go to college if your in your fourties. but you have to pay a lot of money, So here is where I went to secondary school" Kimberly, "It's so small" Me "It used to be called Westergate now its Orminston academy, of course it's small to you, high schools in the US has up to five thousand students, here at this one has just over seven hundred" Kim "Oh right" Me "We best get going, before we get caught and get in trouble" Kim "College" Me "You're so courious, come on" We left the school premises and headed for my college.

Once we arrived at the college, I showed Kimberly around as it is an open college so anyone can just walk through, I showed her where I did Hairdressing for about a month when she was a baby before I left so I can look after her instead of dumping her on mum all the time, this was a few months before I moved back to Australia with Milly. We decid to walk arnd town that wasjust around the corner from the college. This is wh I bumped into my ex.

"Emily?" I heard someone say, I turned around and said "Yeah?" "It's me Ed Wells?" Me "Oh it's you!" Ed "What you mean by that?" ME "Well the last time I saw you, you cause me a fuck load of shit!" Ed "Yeah well that's the past" Me "I know" "So whose your fit friend? I'd bang her" Ed whispered. "She's not my friend-" "Then why you with her then?" He interrupted. Me "She's my daughter and you're not going anywhere near her!" Ed "Wow! You have a kid? how old is she?" Me "16" "Legal then?" Ed said as he looked at Kimberly. Kimberly turned and said "I don't think so" "We'll see!" Ed said then winked at Kimberly. Me "Ed, you'll never touch my daughter, if you do, I will kill you before her father and uncles do. Anyway you can only dream, we live in LA" Ed "LA isn't that far, it's Littlehampton" Me "I don't understand why people call Littlehampton la. and we don't live in Littlehampton-" "What my mum is trying to say is that we live in Los Angles, you know?  In california, in America, the great big USA?" Kimberly interrupted. Ed "Oh you live state side!" Me "Stop with your attitude" Ed "How come you live in America?" Me "You know Beau from the Janoskians?" Ed "Yeah?" Kimberly "He's my dad!" Me "I first met him when I was sixteen when I won a competition with Milly and I grew close with Beau, we had a relationship, I fell pregnant, he cheated, I moved back here with Milly, she had also fallen pregnant with Beau's brother Luke's baby, we got a place together over here, then when our kids turned 5 we moved back to Australia, Beau had a girlfriend who he then cheated on with me, then we slowly started to get to know eachother again, took things slow then his career blew up so we moved to LA with the kids and the guys, the Luke and Milly split and haven't seen them since" Ed "Fair enough so that makes your daughter related to Milly's kid?" Kimberly "Yes, problem?" Ed "I feel sorry for ya!" Kimberly "How can you feel sorry for me? You don't know Leon! nor how great of a person he is!" Ed "So your not going to do a chloe and sleep with your cousin?" Kimberly "Who's Chloe" Ed "Well-" "She doesn't need to know about that! Come on Kimberly" We walked away and went into New Look.

The Competiton that Changed My Life...Ten years on [Luke, Beau Brooks & IM5 ]Where stories live. Discover now