Chapter 13

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A few weeks after the court case, Emma actually came clean. She stated that is was all her fault and it was all a lie. She also said that dad did nothing, that he kept saying no because he loves Emily and Kimberly..

Mum hasn't spoken to dad but I can see that she is happy that he is innocent and that Emma came clean and admitting that she lied. After the court case, her parents came over to us and apologized for not believing me when i went round there and they apologized on the behalf of Emma and they are disgusted in what she has done, and she won't be let off lightly. They never thought that their only child would do anything like this. They also understand why I don't want to be her friend anymore.

When we got home mum was just coming to terms with things.

Emily's POV~

I'm happy that Emma came clean but it doesn't change the fact that I caught them kissing and I know I'll be able to forgive him but I won't ever be able to forget. Just like the shit with Sara 16 years ago. I still remember it. It's gonna take me time to forgive him. I might go stay with my parent back in England for a while. I'm going to see whether Kimberly wants to come and see her grandparents again.

I walked into Kimberly's room and saw she was doing work with Dana. "Kim, how do you fany going to see your grandparents for ahile in England?" Kimberly "What about dad?" Me "I need some time away, time to get myself back together, this whole court case has made me stressed out, I need to get away, you can come if you like?" Kimberly "Ok sure, when?" Me "Plane leaves tomorrow" Kim "That soon!" Me "Yes! I'm going to book the last minute tickets now, you can come if you like!" Kimberly "Yeah sure I'll come" I walked out of her room into my room to get my laptop to book the tickets.

I got a holiday visa that lasts for three months so I'm going to go over there for 2 1/2 months.

Tickets are avaliable on pick up. all I need is my passport form of Identity then I get my tickets that I have ordered. I started packing when Beau came in.

"What's going on?" He said as he walked through the bedroom door. "Me and Kimberly are going to see my parents for a while over in England" I said as I continued putting clothes in my suitcase. Beau "For how long?" Me "I don't know 2 months maybe" Beau "Two whole months? That's long" Me "Look Beau, I just need to get away ok. I've been under so much stress lately" Beau "Yeah I  know but Emma admitted it was all lies" Me "Yes she admitted that is was all lies but that doesn't instantly take all the stress and hatred I feel, at the end of the day I still saw you two kissing. If I didn't walk in at that moment maybe you two would have slept together. I need to have some time away. get my self back to normal, I know I will be able to forgive you but I won't be able to forget. This will take time to get over" Beau looked at me then just walked out of the room. Kimberly came in and said she's all pack and that Dana has gone home.

I can understand why Beau is upset because he wants to make it up to me, but I just need time to sort myself out, no way will I break up with him, I've never loved anyone like him. We have a beautiful daughter together.

The Competiton that Changed My Life...Ten years on [Luke, Beau Brooks & IM5 ]Where stories live. Discover now