Chapter 9

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~Kimberly’s POV~

We arrived in NYC,  Dad is taking mum and I shopping for when I turn 16 I didn’t know I was having a party until today. I heard them talking quietly about it. I don’t when though. Could be before or after. Possibly on the same day. But to be honest I would prefer to spend the day with Anamarie, mum, dad, Daniel, James, Luke, Jai and Noah. Or to go and see mum’s family back in England. But I’ll be happy with whatever happens.

~Dana’s POV~

“Oi Carly! Leave Kimberly alone!” I said as I walked up to her with David. Carly “Why should I? she’s a sket!” Me “Look she has a lot going on at the moment right and she don’t need you  being a bitch to her-“ “But-“ Carly interrupted. “No let me finish. You may be obsessed with me and no way do I want to be your friend anymore. I don’t like bullies! You’re so very lucky she hasn’t tweeted you saying to back off and calling you a bully and telling other people the shit you have been doing to her because her dad and her uncles are mega famous. All it takes is for Kim to tweet it or her dad or her uncles to tweet it, mentioning your username and you’ll get way  over two million people giving you hate and bullying you. And some of them goes to this school two years above, I’m sure they’ll stick up for their celebrity crushes niece/daughter and they will punch you one and do you know what? I’ll laugh. Don’t talk to her again. Don’t even look at her, if you speak to her or go anywhere near her, I will tell her dad and his brothers and you will be in the dog house. Wait you already are in the dog house because you are a dog! You think you’re so brilliant and hard. Well you won’t think that when the Janoskinators are starting on you and when they find you, you will be put in hospital. Get your head sorted out Kimberly, you just lost IM5 as friends!” I flipped. “Word!” David said which made us both laugh then walked off. David “You have feelings for Kim don’t you?” Me “No! I don’t know her well enough. I haven’t seen her in a while cause she’s scared to come into school because of Carly and her friends, I care about Kimberly yeah” David “So what you gonna do, cause like, that assignment is due next week” Me “She’s sent me information and I’ve wrote it on the paper. I’m planning on going over there Monday and getting her to come in.” David “How you gonna do that cause you know she’s stubborn” Me “I can be persuasive!” David “Go for it”

~Beau’s POV~

To be honest I have liked this day out with my family. It’s not often that I get a chance to spend time with my two favourite girls, my girlfriend and my daughter.

“I’m just going out for a second. I have something to do” I said as I grabbed my keys kissed Emily and left the hotel room!

~Kimberly’s POV~

I’ve loved this day out with mum & dad. I only wish that we could do it more often. Dad’s gone out but I don’t know where. Oh well.

Today is the best day out I’ve had in ages. We went to times square and had a pic nic, and they had a market on so we went and had a look. What I wanted, it was the same for mum and dad. Mum and dad brought LOADS of things but I have a feeling that some of it is for my birthday or that’s why dad has possibly gone out.

I’ve just looked at mum and she has fallen asleep on the sofa.

This hotel room is lovely, two bedrooms, a nice clean bathroom big chandeliers. I don’t even want to leave.

I grabbed my phone to have a look to see if I have any messages and I do. I have one from Dana!

‘Hey, hope you’re having fun in NY! Sad I didn’t see you in school today! You HAVE to come in soon as the presentation is NEXT week. I’ve told Carly to back off and to leave you alone alongside other things so she should leave you alone from now on. Please come in the day after tomorrow or I will come round yours and drag you out. I will also inbox your mum on facebook telling her that you need to be in because of your presentation which grades will boost your HSC grades up’ Oh great.

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