Chapter 10

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~Beau’s POV~

So, I want to propose to Emily after Kimberly’s 16th birthday. While I was put I started nosing around shops for her party looking for things like, decorations and presents.

--The Next Day—

We set off home when Emily said to Kimberly “You’re  going back to school tomorrow because of your presentation. And if you don’t go in it will affect Dana’s grades. So no matter what, I am coming in your bedroom and waking you up. Me “How did you know that she has a presentation tomorrow?” Emily “Dana just inbox’d me!” Me “Are you friends with him on Facebook” Emily “No! I don’t have teenagers on my Facebook!” Kimberly “Actually mum, you have me, Leon  and Emma” Emily “They’re family” Kimberly “Emma’s not family” Emily “Technically she is, you’ve known her since first school, and her mum has done a lot for me while you were growing up”

~Kimberly’s POV~

Great! I have to go back to school tomorrow. Thanks Dana! But at least I get to see his face! We’re home now and it’s my birthday next week. Mum and dad knows I know about the party as I heard them talking about it.

Once we got back home I walked into my bedroom and saw a few piles of clothes on my bed. ‘Where did they come from? They’re not mine’ I thought. I walked into the lounge to ask people if they knew whose they were and Shelby turned and said “Oh I forgot to tell you that my younger gave them to me to give to you because she thought you’d like them” Me “Tell her, I do like them thank you”

~Emily's POV~

“It was a great weekend thank you baby” I smiled as I kissed Beau. “It was! Shame it came to an end. I enjoyed spending time with my girlfriend and daughter” Beau replied. Daniel walked in looking like a girl. “I that my dress?” I laughed. Daniel “Shelby said it’s hers?” Me “Yeah it was, it was mine firstly but I gave it to Shelby cause I didn’t like it and it suits her better. It suits you too” “If the dress goes missing then Shelby knows where to look” Beau laughed. “Why are you dressed like that anyway?” Beau added. “Luke and I thought we’d go around town like it and see if we will get recognized by anyone” Me “Well good luck with that”

~Beau’s POV~

Seeing Daniel walk into the kitchen wearing Shelby’s gold sparkly dress with a black wig and a face full of makeup is just the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time!

I looked at Emily and saw her smiling and laughing. God I love her smile. I just want to keep that smile on her face. Never want to see it disappear.

“Hey babe, how do you feel about going out for a meal tonight?” I asked after Daniel walked out of the kitchen. “Yeah I’d like to hunni” Emily smiled.

~Shelby’s POV~

For a fact, I have no idea why I leant my dress to Dan, but it suits him, he looks good. Good? Damn I mean he looks sexy. I love him to bits. I’ve never had a boyfriend like him before but damn I do get worried about him. He’d so obsessed with Lil Wayne, he’s starting to look like a rapper, I’m just worried in case he starts a rapping career and then gets into drugs. I don’t want that to happen.

~Kimberly’s POV~

It’s my 16th birthday today and so far so good. Mum and dad gave me a necklace saying 16 and a bracelet saying daughter and Dad brought me a car, yet I can’t drive and I’m opening the rest later as the guests are starting to arrive.

All my best friends are here. But there’s one person missing. Leon. His mum has been keeping him away from us for some odd reason. I think it’s something to do with her new man! I don’t know.

There’s loads of food there was a buffet inside and a BBQ outside.

My 16th is going great IM5 performed a few songs, Dana gave me a necklace which is beautiful.

~Beau’s POV~

I went into my bedroom to get Emily ring when I was disturbed. “Hello Beau” I heard a female voice. I turned around and it was Kimberly’s best friend Emma. “Oh hi Emma, you lost?” “No! it was you that I wanted to talk to” Emma said as she closed my bedroom door. I’m actually feeling quite nervous.  What if she goes to murder me? This isn’t weird at all. My daughters best friend walking into my bedroom closing my door. The next thing I see is that Emma is undoing her top. “Emma don’t. put your shirt back on!” I said as I looked away. “You know you want to!” Emma said as she walked closer to me. “You know I don’t want to. I have a girlfriend and a daughter whom is your best friend” Emma “Yeah well Kimberly just thinks she all it” Me “Well she’s much better than you!” the next thing is that Emma is kissing me. I push her off but then she pushes me onto the bed and climbs on top of me and starts kissing down my body. That is when Emily walks in. 

The Competiton that Changed My Life...Ten years on [Luke, Beau Brooks & IM5 ]Where stories live. Discover now