Chapter 1

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Profile on Kimberly Brooks

Full Name: Kimberly Alexa Brooks

Age: 15

Parents: Emily Ocean & Beau Peter Brooks.

School: Davison Academy

Birthday: 1st April 2010

Favourite band: The Janoskians, All Time Low.

Favourite colour: Blue

Hobby:  Socializing.

Favourite subject at school: Sports.

Kimberly and her cousin Leon are very close. They’re in some of the same lessons at school and they hang out together at school as they rarely get to see each other outside of school as his parents are no longer together.

Profile on Leon Brooks

Full Name: Leon Brooks

Age: 15

Parents: Milly Harper & Luke Brooks

School: Davison Academy

Birthday: 1st April 2010

Favourite band: The Janoskians, Little Mix, Beyonce.

Favourite colour: Blue

Hobby:  Socializing.

Favourite subject at school: Sports.

It’s the year 2025. Daniel has a beautiful new girlfriend called Shelby who he met a few weeks back at the ‘Real girls eat cake’ Single launch party. They’re really cute together and Daniel has never been this happy with anyone before.

Emily “So you’re the new girlfriend of Daniel’s?” Shelby “Yeah I am” Emily “He’s a good lad, can be hard to understand as he’s always dazed and in his own world, so sometimes you might have to smack him around the head to get his attention.” Shelby “Thanks for letting me know-“ Daniel “Ehy?” Emily “We didn’t say anything to you” Daniel “Oh I thought you did. My bad!” Shelby “Yeah you're bad!” Daniel “Bad man and you love it” Daniel and Shelby started to make out so Emily got up and went over to Luke.

“Dad, can I talk to you please?” Kimberly said to Beau. Beau “If it’s about birds and the bees again, or the period, talk to your mother!” Kimberly “No idiot! It’s not about that you fool!-“ “It’s lovely how my 15 year old daughter talks to me” Beau said to Ronnie. “She gets it from her mother” Ronnie laughed. “Dad!” Kimberly got stressed. Beau “Alright, alright, let’s go in the other room!”

Beau “Sup little one?” “Dad, I got boy troubles!”

The Competiton that Changed My Life...Ten years on [Luke, Beau Brooks & IM5 ]Where stories live. Discover now