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chapter nine

DAVID WATCHED her as she threw her arms in the air and danced with his assistant. Natalie and Serenity had become really close as the time went on, always joking about the day Natalie found Serenity in David's bed.

they were all currently at a house party, the house of some random youtubers that Serenity knew very little of. he watched as Natalie was pulled away from the other girl who kept on slightly dancing. swaying to the music. he also watched as a guy came up to Serenity and pulled her to him without hesitation. David's jaw clenched in anger, grip on his camera tightened.

he hated it. he didn't like any guy touching her or even making eye contact with her. he was protective, but why? well, maybe the feeling was mutual between Serenity and David.

"yo, David. you good?" he heard his friend, Heath, say as the guy slid in the seat across from him. David just glanced at Heath but quickly looked back, not trying to miss what was going on between the two who were dancing. "oh, i see." Heath chuckled as he saw where David was looking.

"you like her, don't you?" Heath teased as he slid a beer across the table and towards David. David rolled his eyes and took a sip of the alcoholic beverage.

"no, it's complicated." he replied, not daring to look at Heath. the guy across the table just chuckled and watched the same two people dance just like David was.

Heath smirked, "ah, you're jealous. trust me, i felt like that when i was catching feelings for Mariah."

"i mean, that guys obviously taking advantage of her. she's drunk." David took one more swing of the drink then placed it down and slid it away from him, done with drinking. he was still livid, he didn't like that guy taking full advantage while the girl was in that state.

"then go get your girl man, she's probably waiting for you." David looked at Heath after he realized what he just said. Heath was already up, walking away. 'what does that mean?' David thought, a nice feeling swarmed his chest for a second before looking back at the floor that Serenity and that guy was dancing at.

David freaked out as he couldn't see the girl. he looked towards the front door to see the guy gripping her waist, luring her outside. David quickly got up, racing towards the door and outside, running up to the sober guy and the drunken girl.

David walked in front of them, making the guy stop his movements which led to Serenity also stopping. "what are you doing with her?" he asked, trying to get the guy to let go of her.

"nothing of your concern," the guy spat, trying to walk the other way but failed by David.

David grabbed Serenity's wrist, making her squeal and laugh. "what's your deal, bro?" the guy asked making David pull Serenity behind him.

Serenity just looked from behind David arm. "nothing, i'm her brother. back off, i know your intentions with her." Serenity felt a pain break from her heart, the word brother coming from David and was directed towards Serenity was hurtful.

all of a sudden, both David and Serenity were pushed back. the guy ran away as David placed his hands on his legs in pain. Serenity almost screamed out of fright as Davids body was pushed on her abruptly. David stood up and looked at Serenity who gasped as she saw his appearance. "you're bleeding."

David touched his eye and felt a stinging pain as he touched the wound. he looked at his fingers and saw thick red liquid laying on his finger, a small drop running down his hand. "shit," he muttered under his breath. he grabbed Serenity's wrist and dragged her to the car, attempting to buckle her in.

"i can do it," she said as she saw him struggle. she buckled herself in as David shut her door, soon entering his own side. he started driving, looking at the road and tried to distract himself from the pain.

"what the hell was that, you're just gonna let a guy take you home and take advantage of you." he started, still angry.

"if you cared so much you would've stopped it sooner." she muttered, also getting pissed. she was glad he was being protective but she didn't like how he was blaming her.

"i shouldn't have to babysit you."

"then you should've just let me go with him!" she yelled, now annoyed and aggravated. "bring me home," she muttered as she looked out the window. seeing the lights from the city of Los Angeles fly by.

David didn't say anything, just drove in the direction of Serenity's house. once they arrived, Serenity didn't even say anything. she just got out of the car and made her way inside.

"this fucking sucks."


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