Chapter 5*

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 Oh yea… she lives with her friend now in case anyone was confused... No one else could really take her in. so that’s why they’re going to her house.


I get out of the car remembering that my back started hurting as the car ride came near. Must take it easy. But I want to see my parents. No pain can compare to seeing your parents. Because well, you’re the one who did this to them.

 The snowflakes fly around me making me shiver involuntarily. So I wrap my coat around myself tighter. I look back to Bell then.

“I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

She nods and I close the door. looking forward, a shaky breath escapes me. “Alright, let’s go.”

A few directions Bell gave to me earlier; I made my way to their stones. They lay right next to my other family so it felt like going to my grandma’s funeral all over again. One look at Mom and Dad’s stones, tears spring to my face yet again. I kneel down to them forgetting that there’s snow, but it doesn’t even matter.

“Mom, Dad? I’m sorry that you’re here because of me. I can’t blame myself enough because of this. The worst part of this all is that I don’t even remember anything that happened afterward the accident. But the accident itself buried into my mind. And all I feel is guilt. Guilt that I can’t remember Josh. Guilt that I can’t remember anything for an entire year. Guilt that I made you come and get me from that party. That’s the worst part of it all.”

It is quiet and I burst into even more tears. “So sorry.” I squeak out.

Everything besides my sobs was quiet. No birds chirping, no trees rustling, no snow flying. It was dead, like a graveyard should be.

 A shadow loomed over me so I panicked. Wiping any tears left, I stand up. Bell is standing there sadly.

“It’s not your fault. No matter how much guilt you have, it’s not your fault.” She says and pulls me into a hug. I grab her back and some tears come.

There is silence for awhile before she pulls away. “We should go home. No one wants the flu too on top of everything else.”

“Yea I guess so.” I sigh and we start trudging back. I look back to my parents and blow them a kiss to each other.

“I love you.” I whisper to them before I get into the car and head off to her house. it was so quiet, I don’t think even Bell could even hear. But that was okay.


As we go to her house that is apparently now my house too, I think to myself. Josh saved me, but why? I know I was in an accident but why did he stick around? I would be too depressed so why would he want to be around me and get me through all that sticky stuff?

I wouldn’t even want to be around me so why would he? In the end of the drive I shrug it off as unknown and she pulls up into the driveway.

“Were here. Home sweet home at last.”

I nod, taking it all in. I know I’ve been here plenty of times growing up as a kid but I never thought I would actually be living here. We both get out at the same time but I try walking quickly to get rid of the cold.

“Oh hey before I forget… there is a lot of-“

A sound of air whooshes past me before I can hear anything else then… I was on the ground. My feet weren’t, but my butt was.


I crack up at her joke and start laughing hysterically. She looks guilty for a minute but smiles at me. When I don’t stop laughing for a while she looks concerned for once.

Patience is a Virtue(Under MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now