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Chapter 1  

Rule one: first days suck... some times..

"Omg did you see that guy, and ooo, he's hot too! I think I'm gona love this year!" Lilly gushes, as we walk down the long main hall. I roll my eyes. She was being her usual, air head self. Even though my first class was math, my worst subject, I wasn't too sure she was wrong. So far I've gotten a bunch of 'heys' or 'how was your summer' then they would ask to see my schedule and we would ether have a few classes together or none.It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gona be.

Lilly was right, the guys were hot. But most of them were older than us, and I swear about a quarter of them have winked at Lilly. How does she do that? Guys just automatically like her. I mean she was pretty I guess. She had a blanket of long blond hair which fell in big curls that cascaded down her back and framed her face. She had dark blue eyes that were almost a purple, and naturally red lips, plus a good figure.The triple threat. No wonder guy practically tripped over themselves to talk to her.

Me on the other hand, I had dark brown hair that's often described like dark chocolate. Unlike Lilly my hair is long thick and naturally straight with layers. My eyes are a golden green, and my lips are often said to be Angelina Jolie lips. Im not fat my figure is fine but I'm not very curvy. We are often looked at and watched as we walk by. Guys smile at us and take interest in us, but mostly in Lilly. I sigh and turn to hug Lilly because we are at her classroom. "See you at lunch!" she calls. I smile and nod. My smile fades as the bell rings. Crap! I take off down the hall way.

Being late on the first day is not the right way to start off the year. I hold my books to my self as I race down the hall. Fast enough, to where im not paying ation, and run right into a guy turning a corner. Sending me, and my book sprawled out all over the hall way.

Part of me wants to cry out in pain, but the growing up with three brothers side quickly dimishes the sign of weakness. I bite my bottom lip and slowly push my self up to my knees. I reach to pick up my fallen books but, however the boy has already picked them up. He puts out his hand to help me up of the ground. I take it, noticing he has a firm and strong grip. He probably plays some sport.

I take my books from him and look up to thank him. But my tongue only twists, the words won't form. He is absolutely gorgeous. He has short mahogany colored hair that's spiked in the front. He has crystal blue eyes, and angular features. From the looks of his arms, is probably frequent at the gym. He has tan skin and is wearing a pink polo shirt with a colar. The front of it tucked behind a belt buckle sporting some skate logo. I gasp but immediately clap a hand over my mouth and blush.

"Um, you're welcome?" he says noticing my pathic attempt at words. I nod then shake my head.

"Um, yeah, thanks." I say praying my cheeks aren't as red as they feel. He smiles crookedly.

"Hey, I know who you are." He says, making it as though a light bulb should be floating over his head.

"You do?" I say sure he's mistaken me for some one else. He nods. "You're Casey Grey. Lilly's friend. Right?" he asks cocking his head sideways. I smile to myself. How could he possibly know that?

"Yea, why?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that my little brother is in your grade. He's always talking about you. He thinks you're hot," he smiles to him self in approval. "He also said that you were really popular at school." He shrugs.

"Who's your brother?" I ask secretly pleased that he liked me.

"Collin, Collin Harris." he smirked. I knew Collin. He was on the baseball team, and had asked me to a school dance last year. He was kinda cute but then again his brother was even cuter.

"Oh, he never mentioned that he had a brother." I say then mentally slap myself for it. But he just smiles and looks down at the watch he was wearing. He frowns at it the shoulders his bag.

"Well, at least now I know he wasn't lying. I believe that it's probably time to get to class. Freshmen tardiness is frowned upon." He says smiling and turning back to the way he was going. I smile at the small compliment he gave me. Happy that he would even notice me in the first place, much less know my name.

"Hey by the way, you know my name, so what is yours?" I ask. He turns around and walks backwards for a minuet.

"Emit!" he calls then turns and runs down the hall. I smile to myself as I speed walk my way to class.  


sooo what do you thinks up with Emit? is he good or bad???? you will have to wait and c!! mwahahahaaha!!



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