14. Moving On -Part 1 (ep32-33)

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Can's behavior in episodes 28-32 has been bothering me. He's been downright petty and mean-spirited, and possessive about something he claims to no longer want. I wanted to address some of that in a one-shot. This takes place after the incident in the freezer.


That night Sanem sat down with her diary and poured her heart out. She felt like she had hit rock bottom with what she could take from Can. He didn't want to be with her but he didn't want her to be with anyone else. To the point where he was willing to jeopardize her writing career. This was not the Can she loved. If this is what her lies had done to him she needed to fix it. And if fixing it meant taking herself out of his life completely, then so be it.

I won't go back to the agency tomorrow. That is best for everyone, she thought to herself.

Sanem knew what time Can usually got to work, so she waited till he would be in and then headed out to the publishing office. She literally ran through the lobby and headed downstairs to her new office, finally breathimg in relief. This place already felt like home. She loved that Yigit had allowed her to decorate it to her taste.

Can had spent a restless night as well. No matter how mad he was at her, he always felt a desperate need to see her. He noticed that her desk was empty when he walked into the office. He decided to give her more time, but with every passing minute he was getting more agitated.

Finally, an hour later, he went into Leyla's office. "Leyla, Sanem is not in yet?", he asked.

"Can Bey, she told you yesterday that she won't be back. She's really struggling with what is happening between the two of you. I'm sorry, I know its not my place, but maybe you should just let her be for while", Leyla replied firmly. Can nodded and went back to his office.

Another hour passed and he could barely sit still. That's it I'm going to go downstairs and make her change her mind, he thought. "Ceycey, I'll be back in a bit", he called out and headed downstairs. He looked around the new office, begrudgingly admitting that it looked good. Then saw Sanem at her desk at the far end through the glass walls. She was fully engrossed with the paperwork on her desk, and he watched her for a minute. The office looked perfect for her, the drawings on the board, the swing, the bright colors, it was everything he would want for her, he realized. He knocked on the door and walked in. Sanem looked up surprised.

"Can, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't come into work", he said.

"I told you yesterday that I was done Can. I can't take it anymore. Please leave".

"Sanem, you owe it to the agency and to me to come back", he said stubbornly.

"Can", Sanem sighed. "What are you doing? Why are you deliberately being so mean to me? I don't recognize this version of you... Can I ask you something?"

He nodded.

"You don't want to get back together with me, right? But you also don't want me to move on with my life. Is that fair? You put me down in front of Polen. You flaunt your relationship with her to me. Do you think so little of me that you think I should be subjected to that?

Do you want me to come back upstairs so you can belittle my work in front of others again? Work on fake campaigns instead of doing something real with my time? Is that what the Can Divit I fell in love with would do? Isn't the breakup punishment enough for my lies? Wouldn't my Can want me to protect myself from something that breaks my heart??

So that is what I am doing Can. I'm protecting myself. My heart and spirit are broken. I could just give up and go back to the bakkal, but I finally feel like my writing deserves this chance. So I'm going to take it.

You should go to the Balkans with Polen . I think she is better suited for you. Somehow I seem to have brought out the worst in you. And I don't want to do that to anyone, but especially not someone that I love. Take care, Can. ", her eyes welled up with tears, but there was a stubborn set her jaw. She looked down, back at her paperwork.

Can stood at her door for an second. He didn't know what to do next. Her honestly hit him hard. He wasn't prepared for the flood of emotions that took over. He turned and left the office.

Instead of going back up to the agency he stepped out of the building, took out his phone, and dialed.

"Hey Akif, how are you man? I know, I know, its been a while. Do you have some time? I'm a bit of a mess and I need to talk to an old friend."


I'll follow up with a part 2 that will maybe/hopefully bring him to his senses.....

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