Seventeen: Vacation

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Mrs. Perez brought the 3 of them to her resort to celebrate her birthday with her whole family

"Mompe you didn't tell us tomorrow is your birthday. We could have prepared something for you"

"It's alright Dyle. I don't really celebrate my birthday but they beg me to celebrate it with them this year"

"I'll still buy you a gift"

"You don't have to Dyle. Come on, go mingle with my grandchildren they're all nice"

"Hey you" her grandchild Jess called Dyle "I'm bringing Celine and Deo to the market with me, you wanna come?"




Deo: why are you wearing a freaking sleeve? It's so hot

Maze: none of your business

The truth is... she feels hot but she don't want to expose her tattoos

Jess: can y'all help me on this? Here's the list, buy those okay?

They helped buy the ingredients and they also offered to help on the kitchen

Jess: Can you cook too?

Maze: um... I don't know how to cook but I'll help prepare

Dyle: I can cook, you can help me out

Deo: I'll help you too

Dyle asked Deo for cut onions but Deo didn't do it, he made Mazekin do it instead

Deo: Dyle said cut this onions

Maze: all of them?

Deo: yeah. You know how to cut right?

Maze: of course

After 5 onions

Maze: aaaaaaaawww my eeeeeyes~

Jess: Celine...

She heard Deo laughing at the corner

Jess: Deo, help her out

Deo: why me?

Jess: can you cook?

Deo: no

Jess: exactly

Deo helped her cut those onions. 10 onions and both of them are already in tears

Dyle: what happened to you two? Why are you crying?

Deo: my eye burns

Maze: how many more do you need? I can't take it anymore

Dyle: I only need 2 onions

Maze: Who Gave Us A Damn Basket Of Freaking Onions To Cut!

Dyle: hey Celine sshh there are kids. Yah Deo stop crying like a girl

Deo: next time be specific! it hurts~

Maze: let's go let's wash it away

Mazekin and Deo left for a minute and went back to the kitchen with red puffy eyes

Dina: I didn't know that being in the kitchen makes you two emotional

Mazekin didn't want to do the dishes. She volunteered to cut the vegetables, she said she's got at it so Deo washed the dishes but he's not use to it. It keeps slipping on his hand and ends up breaking the plates

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now