Twenty: Danger

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The next morning...

Most students that went to the camping didn't go to school today, some of them got traumatized but most of them used that as an excuse to skip classes

Mazekin on the other hand is in school, she didn't skip any class. She's a good girl, a good role model-- Just kidding, she's smoking right now in the garden

She's still thinking about what happened in the forest

'Who are those guys?'

'What do they want from me?'


~ Felix Calling ~

"Hello Felix"

"Hi Mazekin. Are you busy? Can I see you today?"


"Please~ I miss you so much"

"Today..." she have no plans "Yeah sure. Same place at 5"

"Awesome! I'll see you later"


Call End.

She put her phone in her pocket. She closed her eyes to enjoy the sound of the gentle wind

She had no idea that someone is hiding behind the bush, watching her every move and listening to her every words

~ Yulo Calling ~


"Boss, Felix called he said he wants to see you"

"Yeah I already told him I'll--"

She stopped when she heard something from the bush. She looked at the direction

"Boss you still there?"

"Yeah" she continued but still looking "Where you at?"

"On my way to class. Why?"

"I can't wait to give you this important thing that I'm holding"

As soon as she raised her empty hand,  the guy hiding behind the bush peeked

She ended the call and turned her Tracking on

"What do you want--Wait!"

He immediately run away and she went after him

Both of them run as fast as they can. They push whoever's on their way. He keep running, she keep chasing until he stopped on the alley

He kicked her on the leg, she fell, she got up, kicked him too and he fell

She punched, he blocked

He kicked,  she blocked

They keep attacking and blocking each other

She picked up a wood and hit him with it

1 hit on the shoulder, 1 on the arm, and 1 on the head. He fell but immediately got up

He kicked the wood off of her hand and pulled out a knife. He swing it but that didn't scred her

Now he's on the attack mode and she's on the defense mode

She keep blocking and managed to go near him. She grabbed his mask but before she even pull it off, a cold sharp blade stabbed her

He pulled out the knife and looked at her with wide eyes


He saw Yulo running towards them. He looked at her then he looked  back at Yulo before he run away

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