Fifteen: Kissing Booth

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A group of guys wearing black scarf pointed their guns  "OUT!!! NOW!!!"

Dyle was about to get out of the car but Deo had to stop him "Are you out of your mind! We can't go out!"

"They have guns Deo!!!"

"But we are safer here!!"

"Can't you see their guns?! Your car is not a bullet proof!!"

"I can just drive--"

"OUT!!" one guy threw a rock on the windshield "GET OUT OF THE CAR!!"

This men got an order from their boss who Mazekin just defeated earlier in poker

"Let's go"

Dyle, Deo and Mazekin got out fron the car


"We have no money"

He pushed Dyle hard using his gun WHERE'S THE MONEY!"

"Don't hurt him. The money is here"

Deo to open the trunk then they took the money and left

Now the two looks devastated

It's been like 15 minutes and they're still not talking, they're still outside the car

"We better go now. It's very late" she said but they act like they didn't hear her

"Your car have a bad luck" Dyle commented

"Now you're blaming it on my car? You're the reason why we have no money at all" said Deo

"Guys..." she stopped 'Nevermind it's their fight'

"Me?! Really?!!"

"Yes! Because you said we should get out instead of just staying in this Goddamn car!"

"And what? Get killed inside?!"

"I can--"

"No! I will not risk our lives with your stupid idea!"


"Yes stupid!"

"You guys... fighting each other won't solve the problem"

They stopped but it seems like their eyes are still cursing each other

"Get in the car, I'll drive" she said but Deo gave her the are-you-serious look

"That's my car"

"I know and I'm driving it. Get in"

He's at the passenger seat, Dyle is at the back. They didn't talk until they get to the house

They were about to enter their rooms still mad at each other

"Wait" but she stopped them "I know you two are devastated of what happened but it's no one's fault. Blaming each other won't make it any better right?"

They looked at each other and they both agreed

Dyle sigh "I'm just very upset because... it's for Henry you know"

"Yes and I bet Deo feel the same too. Let's just think of other ways to get more money for the surgery. Didn't you say you'll sell cookies? We can help you make more cookies"

"I don't know how to make cookies" Deo said in a lower tone

"Dan will teach us"

Dyle prepared all the ingredients and taught them step by step how to make it "We need to make at least 500 cookies"

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