34: Brokenhearted

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Dyle's POV

Today is weird. Everyone is acting weird not just here in school but also at the apartment

Did I missed something?

"I heard you volunteered yesterday. How was it?" Yong asked me


We stopped when we saw Celine and Jun talking to each other

"Celine I just want to know what happened. I want to understand"

"Jun, it has nothing to do with you"

"Look, I don't want to believe them. I want to hear it from you"

"What's going on?" I asked Yong

"Well... Deo and Celine broke up"


Is that the reason why Celine didn't sleep at the apartment last night?

"I heard it was Celine who broke up with Deo because she's dating someone else"

"I doubt that"

"Read the forum"

I don't like reading what's on the forum. It's too biased

I went to the class, Celine skipped and Deo didn't come to school

I went straight to the apartment after class to see Deo but Mrs. Perez told me he didn't sleep in his room last night

2 days

3 days




7  days

No Deo around, he's nowhere to be found

Celine... she goes to school in the morning but then she'll skip after

Surprisingly today she stayed until the class is over

"Dyle wanna hang out?"

"Sorry Chan I can't. I have to do something"

I went to the ice cream cafe to do my 5 hours shift then I went to the bar

The bar where I've seen her couple times


She have her own table, she's drinking alone

"Dyle" she smiled "Come join me"

I sit next to her

"Why are you alone? Where's Yosef?"

"I wanted to be alone"

Should I leave then?

"Have you talked to Deo?"


She ignored me after that

I can't give her informations about Deo so I'm useless for her now

"If you need a friend, I'm here"

She looked at me then she chugged the bottle

10 minutes ago since I got here and she's already on her 2nd bottle

"Drink" she opened a bottle and gave it to me

Will she kick me out if I said I don't drink?

"You don't drink?"

"I drink"


"It's impossible that you don't know where he is"

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