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"It's been a long time Deo. Did you miss me?"

His gang members are surrounding Deo. They're all holding bats and some of them are chains

"Jet, I thought you'll rot in jail"

"Hahaha! I thought so too but I'm a lucky man, I'm on Libero's side"

"Libero?" Dyle asked "I knew it! You're one of them!"

"Dyle I told you to stay in the car! This is my fight!"

"You again" said Jet "Do you want to be in coma too? HA!"

He grabbed Dyle's shirt and pushed him against the car

"Jet!" Deo walked towards Jet but two guys grabbed him "Why don't you fight me alone Jet? Too scared?"

"I'm not scared of you" Jet let go of Dyle "Let go of him. Everyone Listen! Deo and I will have a 1 on 1 fight. I will prove this sucker who's the real loser. Y'all better take a video of this"

He swing the bag but he missed. He did it again and he missed again

Deo smirked but the guy at the back hit him, he fell down and that's when Jet kicked him on the face

"Look at this loser" Jet pointed at Deo while smiling like an idiot in front of the camera

"At least I'm not a fucking coward" Deo wiped the blood on his lips and get up

Jet swing the bat but Deo dodged it and punched Jet so hard, he fell on the ground with his nose bleeding

Deo was about to punch him again but the gang members stopped him. They pulled him away and they started punching him and kicked him when he's on the ground

Dyle tried to help but they wrapped chains on his neck for him to stop breathing. Mazekin helped him, she hit those guys with their own bats

"Are you ok?" She asked

"Y-yes" still catching up his breath


One of his men shouted when he saw the red and blue lights but nobody believed him until they heard the sirens


They all run back to their cars


Jet grabbed Deo's shirt and punched him one last time and kicked him when he fell down

"I'll see you again Deo. You won't be lucky next time" then he get in the car and closed the door

"Deo" Maze helped Deo get up

A police car stopped in front of them while the rest followed Jet's car

"Are you three alright?" He asked "Let's bring your friend to the hospital"

"No" said Deo "I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Officer"

"Ok. Can someone go with me to file a report?"

"I'll go. Celine can you drive Deo home?"


"Drive safely"

[Police Station]

Dyle explained every detail that happened earlier

"You said he was one of the prisoners that escaped?"

"Yes. He wants revenge"

"To you?"

"No. To my friend Deo. Jet is also the reason why my other friend Henry is in a coma until now"

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now