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The next morning...

"Good Morning! Join me for breakfast. I cooked something new"

"Sure mompe" Dyle joined her and Deo followed

They tried her new dish then they looked at each other and pretended it doesn't taste horrible

"I noticed last night that you two were awkward. Is it because of Celine?" She asked

"I think it's because we're not that comfortable with her yet but we are trying out best" Dyle's answer made the old lady happy

She wants her house to be full of love, no hate and negativity

"Celine! Celine come! Let's eat breakfast together" she called Mazekin

She look at them, they're smiling at her except Deo because he doesn't want her to join them... that's why she accepted the invitation

You know, just to piss him off

"Thank you Mrs. Perez"

"Just call me mompe" she gave her a very sweet smile "Here try this one"

One spoonful was enough for her to know if the food taste good or not. She obviously didn't like it and you can see it on her face "What is this?"

Deo and Dyle immediately looked at her. They wanted to give her a sign not to say anything but she's just looking at the food, trying to figure out

'what kind of food is this? It shouldn't be on earth'

"It doesn't have a name yet, I was just trying a new dish. Do you like it?"

"It's nas--"

"Not as bad as it looks like" Deo trying to save it "I mean it looks bad but it taste good"

"Yeah it taste good" Dyle lied too "I like it mompe. The pork complimented the sauce"

She get it now. They don't want to hurt the old lady's feelings that's why they're eating it even though it's bad

The boys eat as fast as they can. It looks like they're enjoying the food but the truth is they just swallow it without chewing it

"Why aren't you eating sweetie?" She asked Maze when Deo and Dyle left to prepare

"I can't eat it, I'm allergic to peanut" she gave an excuse

"I see. Don't worry I will cook one without peanut in it"

"Thank you"

Walking towards her room, she saw Deo standing in front of the bathroom

"Watchu looking at!" He said in a very low tone

After Dyle, Deo entered the bathroom. The new dish made their stomach upset

"Do you want to go to school together?" He wanted to know her more but she seems not interested

"Nah I have to go somewhere first"

"Alright. See you at school then"

Dyle left the house first. Next is Deo but he got minor problem

"Oooh looks bad" Mazekin commented when she saw Deo looking at the shattered windshield of his car

He said something but she didn't hear it because of the sound of the sport car approaching them

It was Yulo, picking her up

"Did you do that to his car Boss?" He asked after he parked the car in front of the school

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now