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All eyes on Mazekin as soon as she entered the university

Going back to school wasn't part of the plan but things got messed up

The original plan was:
1. Capture him
2. Slowly torture him
3. Torture him more until she's satisfied
4. Lock him with no food and wait until he die

But shit happened:
1. The mole they tortured is nowhere to be found
2. Her secret is not safe cuz maybe he already told them her identity
3. She needs to lay low for a bit in case they're investigating her secretly
4. They have to be very careful because Police is not the only enemy they have right now

Kiall asked her to stay home or go clubbing but stay out of doing illegal transactions for now until it's safe to do so

But instead of doing boring stuffs, why not entertain herself right? That's why she's here in the university where Deo Anderson goes to. She wants to keep an eye of her prey, play with it, and when the time comes she will proceed to her original plan

"Is she a transferred student?"

Everyone is curious about her. Some are happy to see her, some aren't. All eyes are looking at her, every look have different meaning

"She looks like a professional model"

The envy...

"Demn~ She's hot"

The lust...

"She's not natural, I'm prettier than her"

The jealousy...

"I love her confidence"

And the admiration...

But honestly, she don't give a damn. The only reason why she's attending this university is because of Deo - the guy who took away her most valuable possession

"I am very pleased to welcome you Ms. Celine Maze"

Yulo took care of everything, he gave her a new identity for the "entertainment" that she wants. This is a secret between the two of them. Kiall and the rest know nothing about it

"Good Morning Principal Kim" A good looking guy came in and he greeted her as well "Hi there, Good Morning"

He looks a bit familiar but she couldn't remember where she met him

"Dyle I want you to give her a tour. Celine if you have other questions just ask this guy, he knows everything hahaha"

The principal gave him her class schedule sheet before they head out

"Hey have we met before?" He asked "You looked familiar"

She feels the same too

Could it be...

"Did we slept together?"

"Pardon?" Guess not

"Maybe I dated one of your friends" she joked around because she never dates but he thought she was serious

"Hmm... I'll go ask them"

Their first stop was the Library. He introduced her to the librarian then taught her how to use her ID to borrow books and use computer.

Next: Clinic

"In case you don't feel well, just go here they have a lot of medicine and a cool nurse"

Next: Auditorium

"Huge right? This is mostly closed unless there's a big announcement or a performance"

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now